Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Conservatives: Big On Family or Big on Big Business. What’s it going to be?

Conservatives: Big On Family or Big on Big Business. What’s it going to be?

Most the paradoxes of the Republicans, particularly conservatives, stem from conflicting views on support of big business versus support of the family. The campaign funds have to come from somewhere. As a result, the republicans have ship wrecked their party in favor of big business. The values of big business are entirely antithetical to family values. Through being so competitive, businesses like Wal-Mart jeopardize the very idea of the family.
Big business is a reason for counterculture. People like Igor Panarin, a predictor the end of the USA, often site countercultures as a strong reason for their beliefs. We are Rome! The fights we see on television might as well be the fights of gladiators. These fights are brought to you by big business. The problem is lots of financial oppression and too much liberal thinking on subjects such as feminism and homosexuality. Historically attitudes toward homosexuality are important, and Igor Panarin agrees. People might say that we live well now. However, this neglects that we not only have things like cell phones, but that we also need them in order to function.
Big business supports the Marylyn Manson and Korn tour, “Family Values.” After all, a band like Korn is big business. These are not family values though, but if it sells, then big business will sell it. Korn is counterculture. It is not art. Counter culture is not kids wearing black clothes. That is just a trend. However, counterculture is prostituted art that has no talent. Big business is thus void of morals because it will support art that has no talent. It is greedy people simply wanting another dollar lining their pocket. Real family values have nothing to do with big business, so what is with neoconservatives supporting it? Such is my claim that the neoconservative ideal is just another brand of liberal thinking.
The USA is so liberal that even the conservatives split. Now there are the neoconservatives and the paleoconservatives. Don’t get me wrong I’m a liberal myself. However, there is such a thing as a culture that is too liberal, such as one that tolerates human fighting as a blood sport with fewer and fewer rules. The neoconservatives are the new political evil, as bad as a march for gay rights, and don’t get me wrong, I support gay rights, just not the outright picketing and parades. There is no heterosexual parade. I don’t see why there should be a parade in honor of gay people. Such a parade is moral corruption, and contrary to family values.
Neoconservatives are strongly in favor not regulating capitalism, laissez faire, but these fakes would just prefer to make any counter culture illegal. The core of conservative thinking is the family, not big business. Again, I am liberal. However, I see superfluous liberal activity as more of a symptom than anything else. Suppression is the way of the neoconservatives, and it is rather nonsensical, as big business is known for suppression, while neoconservatives seek to end counterculture by taking away outlets for the downtrodden. Why is it that neoconservatives make more outlets for the downtrodden and then ridicule the downtrodden for partaking in these outlets?
Another problem is that our country has a money plumbing problem, such that countercultures arose and then became mainstream. Morally, we’ve sprung a leak, and I don’t know how to fix it. The big business that supports Korn doesn’t support spreading the wealth and is anti-family. Capitalists simply don’t let people have money. You have to force them to pay their workers. More programs are not the answer, but perhaps less. Wealth redistribution needs to occur, living wage.

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