Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu

Swine Flu

Much of my blog is about religion, and this relates.  Swine or pigs are unclean for good reason.  The Talmud, a canonical book for Jews, that permits’ questioning says, “Worry if there is a plague in the pigs.”  This swine flu does not appear to be that serious, and there are not very many deaths reported yet.

Swine are associable with lack of cleanliness in two major world religions, both Islam and Judaism.  It is more than just the threat of trichinosis, as swine certainly have immune systems meant for living in poop.  However, pork is everywhere.  Most every grocery store sells pork.  Additionally, only a few individuals among these minority religions in America actually practice these commands.

Nachmanides was a medieval Jewish scholar that went as far as saying eating meat of unclean animals, such as vultures negatively affects the personalities of those that do it.  Swine, noted in the Talmud for having despicable personalities, if they could speak say, “What is mine is yours, and what yours is mine.”  This swine type of personality ruins utopian ideas such as socialism.  That is we might all agree to the abolition of private property, if and only if, there was not some jerk swine person that would claim it all to be his own.

I would not be surprised to see a truth that many rich people eat excessive amounts of pork or that eating pork might correlate to having a greedy personality.  Could prevention of the World Trade Center bombing be possible if the rich consumed less pork?  Maybe, but perhaps that is why these people are rich anyway.  However, a trait among rich people is that they like to consume expensive food.  Expensive tastes and riches go hand in hand, as these are the only ones that can afford to eat the stuff.  Most of it a Bible without a New Testament deems these expensive delicacies unclean.  Even greater, this food probably alters personalities, as we are what we eat.

Wal-Mart and the End of the American Dream

Current mood: cold
Category: News and Politics

Wal-Mart and the End of the American Dream

When do we call it quits? The American Dream is something taught in a public school. It is the idea that there will be enough social mobility, such that the idea of living in the middle class is a reality. It is synonymous with the idea of owning a home with a lawn and a white picket fence. However, this idea is no longer a reality. Wal-Mart snuffs small businesses. It takes home more money that is imaginable for an average person, and puts it in the hands of one family. Wal-Mart drains the economy because workers no longer have the money to afford much of anything. Wal-Mart is a megastore that prevents ma and pa stores from competing.

There can only be more laws that might prevent such a thing from occurring. More laws lead to more bureaucracy. Additionally, the idea that more laws solve problems is hardly the American way. America, the USA government, derives from the idea that freedom was of great importance to our success. The Bill of Rights openly stated this. Less and less, ideas such as freedom are no longer a reality for Americans, as Wal-Mart represents freedom for one family and oppression for countless others. It represents oppression for its workers and local businesses across the country, as Wal-Mart is everywhere.

Some people will not purchase at Wal-Mart. These are people living the American Dream, and desire it for others. This is a great difference from Wal-Mart. Seemingly, Wal-Mart desires enslavement. Wal-Mart does not care about concepts such as living wage. In a Wal-Mart economy, very few people can afford to buy anywhere but Wal-Mart.

Here is the catch 22, if we only purchase at this megastore or others like it, then eventually those people eventually enter the Wal-Mart drain. One can scarcely expect to own a coffee store in a Wal-Mart economy. The mega coffee store Dunkin Donuts, which juices up their coffee with huge amounts of addictive caffeine filled this role. This is true with other stores as well. Small businesses selling computers or appliances have proven incapable of competition with the warehouse computer dealers. Chain restaurants that produce high quality food are increasingly making it more difficult for ma and pa restaurants.

This is what I refer to as the end of the American dream. One can no longer expect to take a loan out for a new business and expect to pay it off. I have seen more businesses go under on Cape Cod than is reasonable. It is, “Oh, that’s the new business at that location, wonder how long they will last.” I think it is high time we call it quits. Lobbyists in Washington seek to serve these mega businesses. Nobody has the guts to tell Wal-Mart and others that it is time to put some money into other peoples’ pockets.

12:01 PM

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Prices on Cigarettes

Prices on Cigarettes

The price on cigarettes is outrageous. $9 a pack some places. Instead of going up again, it should go down. There is no need to sell more tobacco, but cigarette companies do not need more money. People are broke. The least thing in life they might enjoy is being able to smoke. On the other hand, more people will quit, but who cares? Yeah, there is lung cancer, but there is also no shortage of people. The world population has skyrocketed over the past few hundred years and our planet does not have the resources to sustain us. Eventually, we will run out. It is inevitable that we return to third world living for this reason.

If someone wants to smoke, then fine by me. Death and dying is a way of life. As Metallica says, “I was born for dying.” Europeans tend to see more clearly on this issue. Americans do not. Typical Americans are for prolonging life at all costs. That is foolish. Most everyone knows that it is quality over quantity, and that goes for lifespan as well. We all die anyway. So what is the point of life, but to enjoy it while it lasts, lifespan aside?

I smoke. In fact, I roll my own cigarettes these days. It is much more inexpensive. Likewise, filters do not add to my smoking experience. People say yeah, you might get lung cancer and yeah I might. So what if I get lung cancer? I say, “If I get lung cancer, then let me die.” Jeepers, I am only one person and if I am gone, then I will not have anything to reflect on for it. That is I will be dead. Some people might miss me, but I will not be here to know that. That must be better than knowing that you are the only one left from your generation. If you live long, then you get to witness the death of all your friends and be lonely. If you die young, then you die without knowing any different. Dead people do not know life experiences missed for careless behavior. I say, “If you like to smoke then do it,” as you only have one life. If you only have one life to live, then you might as well make the best of it. I declare, “Cause when your life is ____ and you haven’t got much to lose: awww slaughterama,” as I am going to see GWAR in Boston in a few days. Seriously, when do we have a lot to lose, such that we stuff our values in our ass and do not act how we please? Therein lays the core value of an anarchist, simply acting how one pleases.

Anarchy in Ethics: A Tribute to Traci Lords

Anarchy in Ethics: A Tribute to Traci Lords

I admit. I am a porn consumer. Not a happy one though. Honestly, I feel rather ashamed that I look at it. I saw my first porn magazines as a kid, and never stopped. Essentially, it is legal prostitution. It is nice that there are mechanisms that this industry employs to prevent the spread of disease. Some people are suited for it, and others go into it because they are broke or abused. Traci Lords speaks out against it. She was a former, “Porn star.” She is quick to point out that people; especially the women in this industry are hardly stars. It is prostitution and it is a degrading business. It is nice to know there is someone that helps people get out of it and acts in provision for those susceptible to it. This is nothing short of amazing for someone to leave the industry and start a genuine family. Women do not mix with pornography or prostitution. The proof is how much aging occurs among those that participate. The formula is in young, and out looking much older than your real age. This is a shame. What a waste, and it is only going to get worse in poor economic times. People in the industry will be less careful with whom they make a video with. There will be more demand for weird stuff and more people in the industry trying to make a buck. Growing up, the magazine, “Barely Legal,” would have never happened. There might have been a few attractive women in the industry. As a youngster, I saw a few videos and they were generally rather average looking women with a boob job. I used to go to strip clubs before I married, and I always stayed away. I preferred natural boobs to a disproportionate body. I think half of the men that go to these places are misogynist. They like the boob job because it is disproportionate, and that women do this is humiliating to them. I hate that. I read Traci’s book. It was very interesting, and no doubt, she included her first encounter with a child like man because then the book would sell more copies. We need to eat. Likewise, she commented that that story was porn.

Oppressive Religion and Anarchy: A Tribute to John Spong

Oppressive Religion and Anarchy: A Tribute to John Spong

John Spong is an archbishop in the Episcopalian church. He is the author of many books and a gay rights activist. Most important, he is the author of, “Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism.” Virtually everyone with any brains looks at the Bible and says, “Yeah, there are a lot of iffy things in there.” However, there is the religious right that would have us believe every word of it. This religious right is nothing short of annoying, and many people that are not a part of it would say the same. I like John Spong because he spoke out against the religious right. He is a bestselling author that exposes the Bible for what it is and that is that a fundamentalist point of view is essentially a fraud. His books Resurrection and Born of a Virgin are in this vein of antifundamentalist writing. Many people that are outcasts in virtually any other congregation come to hear John Spong speak, and they are welcome, as they are. He knows the answers that fundamentalists give, and he knows why they are wrong. The religious right would have us fit into cookie cutter images, while John Spong would have people be as they are, such that he has become a strong voice in a humane cause.

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Tribute to Phil Anselmo of Pantera

A Tribute to Phil Anselmo of Pantera

I identified with Phil Anselmo. He had overbearing parents that were into Christian Science and I did too. Phil made Pantera. Without Phil, Pantera was nothing worth mentioning before. They played bad hair metal. Granted I listen to a lot of hair metal, but that is because it is downright fun. Phil however rebelled against that vein of music and its excess in riches. After Beavis and Butthead the crowds at Poison and Motely Crue shows shrank. They were no longer cool. Phil claimed that, “The trend is dead,” and for all intensive purposes it died. When the music was un-cool, the fans deserted it, proving most of these bands was in their promotion by major record labels that reeked of selling out to the very product they promoted, music. Advertisements could produce hits. Michael Jackson and his album, “Thriller,” is the best example of the affect pushing an album can have. It sold millions upon millions of copies. Phil hated that. Pantera was one of the first bands that made it all by themselves. Nobody would promote them, as they did not fit the image that people wanted to be popular. Times are different now, and everyone except for death metal receives promotion. I like Matt of Kalopsia for that reason. There is no trend associable with death metal. It is what it is. Either you like it or you do not. Take it or leave it. Death metal is a genre and it will not change. Phil would probably being playing death metal now, and gotten harder than ever if Pantera continued.

Phil and Pantera put out their album, “Cowboys from Hell,” and later albums when the trend was dead. Dimmu Borgir, In Flames, Cradle of Filth and several other acts where playing their first US show when Pantera ended. Nobody knew of that music then, black metal and European death metal. These bands now have t-shirts in the mall at places like Hot Topic and that would have never happened when Pantera was producing number 1 albums. Phil and Hot Topic cannot mix. There were no followers then that did such things, except Metallica, but at that time, many wondered if Metallica was going to sell out. Megadeth sold out right when Pantera was gone. Pantera had exceptionally loyal followers. Words like metalcore where not invented then. Most of his followers listened to bands like Megadeth, Testament, and Exodus and they attracted the hardcore kids. Their genre was either thrash or speed metal, but many liked to say that they were groove metal late in their career.

The sad part is Pantera cannot happen again. Hot Topic, major record labels, and smaller record labels that are now major would not let that happen. Pantera was and now it is over. A phenomenon is the proper word for their success. The same is true for Slayer. A music that spoke to downtrodden people is unable recreated in a shopping mall, as the times were different then. Bill Clinton was President, and there were not so many disillusioned back then, such that the radio played much weaker music than it does today. No, Pantera did not speak to people that came from good homes that could afford to purchase items in the mall. Those bands were Metallica and Megadeth when the black album and “Cryptic Writings” came out. Pantera spoke to people that came from broken homes. These fans spent the only $13 dollars that they had on a Pantera album because they wanted a band that they could identify with. If they could afford to go to a show, they were in the pit. They did not have health care either.

Excessive Websites with Too Much Junk on them on

Monday, April 27, 2009 

Current mood: 

Excessive Websites with Too Much Junk on them on 


Trying to search the websites on

 and is rather annoying.  Repeatedly, the images eat too much downloading time. There are tons of images and these slow servers do not load fast.  Trying to search through these pages is like searching through muck.  I have noticed it and tried to keep my image postings to a minimum.  The anarchy symbol on my page is a relatively small file.  I do not think it is too annoying.

It is time that these mega websites speed it up.  It reminds me of the way AOL used to be on modems, when there was the popular phrase, “Worldwide wait.”  Honestly, the worldwide wait kept me from using my computer too much as a youngster.  It just was not worth the hassle to sit in front of my computer and watch images download. This is why I have taken to blogging with mostly words only, even at where many people do otherwise.  Most of these pages are beautiful once loaded, but I have better things to do than wait.  This is turning into a rant.  People are not going to cut the amount of junk they put on their website, so it is up to these companies to make some changes or fall to wayside as competitors catch up.

The Joy of Babies

Monday, April 27, 2009

Current mood: adventurous
Category: Life

The Joy of Babies

I am thirty years old, happily married and I have a son that is 13 months old. His name is Alex. He is so darned cute. We love babies because they are cute, but there are other reasons. For social purposes, having a baby is like having a dog. Dogs go right up to anyone new and begin licking him or her without thought; such is the friendliness of a baby. I cannot estimate of how many men have smiled at me when they observe me helping Alex walk in public. How many people feel more comfortable in casual conversation with someone that has a baby? He looks so cute, and he is very cuddly. Women especially seem to have this attraction to babies, especially when my wife is around. Attractive women walk up and start conversations with us, and coo and giggle with Alex and his precious smiles. This is so enjoyable, but then in addition to walking there are the landmark behaviors such as new words. Every new word is like gold coming from a sweet little baby boy. Then, of course, there are added excuses to go on walks and visit places with my wife. We went to the Button Wood Park zoo yesterday, and almost everyone there was doing the same thing with his and/or her youngsters. How many of us would go on these additional social excursions if it were not for the precious gift of new life to this world? Alex, as my wife puts it is an, “Easy baby.” He does not complain often and he is very happy in general. Perhaps, this is why so many people in passing take the time to say, “Hi” and “Your baby is so cute!”

Top 10 Reasons: Why the Ruling Class of England Are from the Tribe of Judah

Current mood: giggly
Category: Religion and Philosophy

Top 10 Reasons: Why the Ruling Class of England Are from the Tribe of Judah

Genealogy – There are ancestry charts from Ireland, Iceland, Greece and Roman Senators that go back to Judah.

These people were in fact the ruling class. They ruled for thousands of years. Kings and politicians were supposed to come from the tribe of Judah according to Genesis [Torah].

These people continue to be the ruling class in the USA. My genealogy supports this as the names Hamilton, Nelson, Hunt and Bowman, my most recent all have many politicians in the USA. This is hard to argue that these people are not of the tribe of Judah if they in fact continually exhibit the quality of political leadership.

There are many cultural similarities. These fit with the Bible ethic of the Old Testament, which I consider the Tanach, such as marriage, circumcision, leadership, and cleanliness. I include cleanliness mainly because kings and queens could afford to be clean.

There is a definite affinity to the Bible among these peoples, and especially a devotion to Israel. This was true even before the invention of the King James Bible.

The USA system and political machine is largely set up to resemble a Judaic ethic. For example, the Senate and Congress, Judicial system is very similar to the Sanhedrin.

Many of the so-called “intermarriages” between these groups in the USA have peoples that find themselves very compatible with each other.

Judaism considers birth and not behavior to determine who is a king. I realize this may be unpopular among those claiming to be Jews given Christian history, but the evidence is there. There have been good kings and bad kings since BC. For example, King Jeroboam was an unpopular sinner and he was a biblical King.

There are similarities in appearance with these individuals such as red hair that are common with those that call themselves Jews.

Few people actually consider these people to be Christian, and even fewer of these people are what people call Christian fundamentalists. For example, Republican evangelicals often attack the religiosity of these political leaders when they run for religion as Christians. That is, it is probably true that most of these people say that they are Christian simply to gain a few more votes.

Band Politics

Monday, April 27, 2009 

Current mood:  electric 
Category: Music

Band Politics

Drummers and bassists are always harder to find than singers and guitarists.  Sure, good guitarists are rare, but there is not much of a demand for them to play the local pubs.  The local pubs generally hire cover bands or karaoke DJs.  Then, there are places like Kendricks and the Embargo that hire someone to spin tracks.  I have no clue how hard it is to get a gig, but there are several Cape Cod bands, but there is a ton of clubs here.  It is a vacation spot.  Some bands might only play summers and do very well.

Overall, cover songs are not very interesting to me.  I like to do modal solo improvisations, and throw in a few jazz chords.  I have not played in a band for several years.  The last band I was in was a praise team, but I left because the soundman drove me crazy.  We played every week.  The same people, different songs, but he just could not stop twiddling the knobs.  Most importantly, if there were not problems, he would make one, and then use his superman complex to fix it.  This was very annoying.  He needed to feel that he was needed, such that he would save the day by having the sound fixed.  This angered me because we would be playing, and some sort of sound would come through the PA, and magically, out of his ass, he would find a way to fix it.  Of course, he knew how to fix it because he created it.  I guess that is why he worked free of charge.  Since, I was there attendance steadily increased.  People told me this was due to my playing, as I was the newbie to the band.

This is different from playing the club scene.  Practice is regular at that type of gig mentioned in the previous paragraph.  You can leave your equipment there.  I left mainly because I did not believe in the words to the song.  Yes, I was a two faced poser, and I did it to have a place to play my guitar.  People told me though that I was better than the previous guitarist that was also a poser, and would show up drunk for the gig.  However, finding a drummer outside of this place has been next to impossible for me.  Maybe it is because my personality is not very agreeable.  Alternatively, maybe, it is because I am not that popular and have never been so.  This attracts me to metal music, as I never felt I had to be cool to listen to it.  It was more along the lines of, just show up.

I have a friend that plays drums.  It is just that he likes different music than me.  He likes dynamics, and electric guitars get dynamics though the volume knob.  This drummer is like me.  He gets in a band, but the band might play one gig.  His last project was reggae.  He loved this music until he found that the band wanted him to play the same thing every time. He has not been listening to reggae as much though, mainly odd weird stuff in the vein of Frank Zappa.  Rather than play guitar, he wants me to play bass.  This is not very appealing to me, but I will take it.  Naturally, he does not like most of what is in my compact disk player so he does not want that to be the guitar.  I cannot argue.  He is the drummer and can be in charge because there are plenty of guitarists and few drummers.  I like distortion and he hates it.  He has since we were very young.  I do not change and neither does he. Thus, he wants to stick me on bass were he will not have to worry about my guitar sound selection, I assume.

The problem is that I do not have a bass.  The guitarist for the band has a bass at his house that belongs to someone else, but I am welcome to play it.  Even greater is that he would probably kick me out the band if he found a bassist, but these are hard to come by.  He kicked me out of a few bands earlier on due the whole distortion thing.  I like it because it adds sustain, and sounds great with harmonics and palm muting.  Therefore, I think to myself, why I would go purchase a bass and an amp.  It is not were my heart is.  In addition, “kicked out” is a reality for me.  This is not very pleasing to me.  Few want to play my style of music.  Moreover, I do not know of any near me.

I could try to get a gig at a local coffee shop, but most of these places require demos.  I bought an mp3 recorder, but it broke.  I read the instructions and it said that it was for vocal only.  I guess that is why it was cheap.  I recorded guitar sound, but it was for vocal sounds, such as speaking.  This is actually, what I used to record the mp3 on my home page  In reality, I was only testing it to see how it worked then, but I thought the mp3 was funny, so I put it on the page.  I do not play keyboard.  My wife does and I had fun twiddling with the sound.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

What is anarchy?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

What is anarchy?

Foremost, anarchy forbids evangelism, and a higher power. Jesus said to his followers, “Go and make disciples.” Anarchists do not do that. Nor do we have any concern if we have a disciple or not, such that forbids a higher power other than man or woman, himself or herself. Speaking of the power of humanity, we ourselves are that higher power through freewill that we use to accomplish dominion over planet earth. However, it is true that we accomplish dominion in our own personal ways. Thus, faith in a Christian God, specifically Jesus, is a complete impossibility for an anarchist.

Even greater the statement, “We are the anarchists united,” as a motto is a false ideal. Such a group of people will only band together for evangelistic purposes of subjection of another people. However, this is not to say that subjection itself would be forbidden, but subjection, such as mastery and slavery can only occur given social mobility, especially that of the slave. Thus, if a slave has the potential to reach the level of mastery, and it is agreed upon that subjection is okay in this circumstance for whatever reason then subjection is okay. As a result, a system of casted slaves, such as Africans, should appear downright detestable to any true anarchist. One might only think of such a thing as a form of retribution for rule and evangelism.

Anarchy does not mandate that, “All are created equal.” Yet, it does mandate that individuals are not alike. With billions of people in the world, coexistence is mandatory, such that we must conclude that we must have a societal role. For instance, an anarchist teacher teaches that obedience is a false ideal, but he or she would say, in anarchy there can be no Sheppard. Everyone does as he or she pleases, and this is the ideal. Most people by the time they are eighty years old realize the importance of acquiring this ideal. Each must have their own societal role and achieve specialization in it, even if that specialization is general knowledge, as there are so many people, meaning any person without individuality is nothing among anarchists that demand one possess personal modus operandi.

Christianity unlike anarchy mandates subjection of its followers to the idea of a higher powers authority about what Jesus is. That is Jesus as a God is what that person perceives Jesus as a God to be. Then, magically Jesus is always able to become that, as it is the idea the person that conceived of a sovereign Jesus to be. This is inescapable. This is why Christians like their idea of Jesus. They, the individuals Christians, conceived of their idea of what their Jesus is. Even more interesting is that they like to argue over whose idea is the best, such that there is a hierarchy through words such as pastor, priest, nun, study leader or deacon and so on, even specialization, such as music minister or youth pastor. Mainly, rule by divine right that individuals’ in the church desire is completely impossible to reconcile with the idea of anarchy. One is unable to pray to a higher power, and be obedient to it and claim any sort of individuality.

There is an end to this in the idea of defining anarchist government. There may be positions, such as President, Prime Minister, Knight, King, businessperson or mercenary, but these people are for the purpose of representation through the idea of mandatory specialization in society, as any law or decision they might make is virtually inapplicable to an anarchist, except that it is annoying. Likewise, an anarchist might choose not to recognize such people as representative, if they start doing these things. These people spoken of to an anarchist are politicians, and politicians are often useful in settling matters with people that might live elsewhere and be disgruntled. An anarchist may or may not support their cause, such that in piety anarchy does not rule out the idea of socialism or communism, as it does not rule out the idea of greed in primitivism.

Anarchists are not for peace or war, or promoting of any sort of action in piety, except what is agreeable to each party. Additionally, someone that is greedy is unlikely to get very far in anarchy, as another anarchist would return anger for this and have no fear of any government stopping him, and here there might be a sense of mob rule, but the idea of a mob is not one of great cohesion or unity. The idea of a mob connotes loose connection generated for a purpose of retribution for misdoings of another group or individual. Then, the words of war and peace become either a state of existence or a transition, where there will probably be some sort of end to it all eventually.

Anarchy Bible: For Intellectuals

Sunday, April 26, 2009 

Category: Writing and Poetry

Anarchy Bible: For Intellectuals


I am thinking about putting out a book about anarchy.

I want to title it, “Anarchy Bible: For Intellectuals.”

The chapter titles I have thought of are:

Can the USA be saved?

Is faith in higher power possible?

“Rome didn’t fall in a day.”

Jesus: False God Detested

I claim my throne.

Computer Fun

Recommended Reading

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Alex’s first words

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Current mood:
Category: Life

Alex’s first words

Alex is 13 months old. He is my son. I am married. Since 11 months, he has been in clothes for two year olds. He is able to stand on his own, and he has taken a few steps. He has added a new word to his vocabulary roughly every week.

These are his first words, and I might be forgetting a few:

Bye, bye









