Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Iliad should follow Genesis instead of Exodus

The Iliad should follow Genesis instead of Exodus

Um Isn’t One In Greek and the Other in Hebrew?
Both of these books, the Torah and the Iliad are alike in origin. One is in Greek, while the other is in Hebrew, but aside from that this is relevant. Language aside, Genesis and the Iliad are penned stories from the ancient world that originated out of oral tradition. Later in this essay textual arguments will prove that the traditionally taught origin of the Torah is flawed. Most stories that are any good are actually real stories, often with some creative license, and this might account for any minor discrepancies between the Torah and the Iliad. Thus, it is hoped that the barriers won’t prevent one in his or her imagination of these books similar origins. Instead of the inspired word of G-d, that would make Genesis a book out of the Bible, where the author is uncertain. Wow, this is an outrageous claim to start off with! These origins are important if one is to be thought of as following the other, specifically the Iliad following Genesis rather than the Exodus.

Addressing Problems with Chronology
The Iliad and the Torah should be dated. Nobody can accurately say what is older, the penning of story of the Iliad or the penning of the Torah. In support of this claim:
Moses received the Torah in its entirety from G-d at Mt. Sinai, as the story goes. This can’t be true. The tradition isn’t accurate. Imagine how much stone Moses would have had to etch, only to break it, recopy it, and much less personally carry it down from Mt. Sinai. This would have taken far too long!
Realistically, the Torah originated around the time of King David, as Moses couldn’t have carried this massive stone document down from Mt. Sinai, and the Davidic Kingdom is realistically the only period of time where the Jews had a homeland and enough stability to study such a massive work. As it is, the story that Moses carried his stone tablets with him, and that they were maintained during the books of Exodus, Numbers, Joshua and Judges is unbelievable. Thus, the Davidic kingdom is the only realistic time period for the first appearance of the written Torah.
This can only be why the Tanach says the messiah is to be Davidic, and that dates the Iliad and the Torah to both being at about the same time in history. If this revelation to Moses is to be considered as true, then what Moses received were the Ten Commandments. There are no stone copies of the Torah, like the pyramids to indicate that it has been around for more than 3,000 Gregorian years. This is all the more reason for Greek philosophers and Jews to be like minded, which they are in their writings before the coming of Jesus. This like mindedness is one reason for including the Iliad among other biblical works.
There is Moses calling himself the most humble prophet. Maybe, he did that, but it is also evidence that someone else wrote this book, and that Moses was not the author. Who brags about themselves as being great, but someone that people generally don’t like. Maybe a miracle couldn’t have happened and G-d revealed to Moses that he was the humblest prophet, such that he wrote it, but come on, that is a hell of a lot of stone for Moses to etch!
I, suggest that this Exodus was much earlier, but after the Iliad. This allowed for the Hebrew, Celtic, people to multiply as the Bible says to do, and such as what happened with the people that became white people about 50,000 years ago. It may be strange to consider that both the Celts and the Jews are Israelites, but the argument gains speed through Genesis calling Abraham a Chaldean and the religion of Zoroastrianism, a Chaldean religion, that white people, such as the white man Darius the great followed. This would mean that during an ancient enslavement of the Hebrew people, the ones that became the nation of priests were separate from the rest of the tribe, and the rest of the tribe continued Hebrew practices such as a kingly line from Judah. Thus, as it is written, the Jewish people became that nation of priests that they were said to become during the time of the book of Exodus. If that is true, the Iliad would be for the tribe of Judah what the rest of the Bible would be for the people calling themselves Jews is today.
Consider this: perhaps all white people belong to the nation of Abraham, all having a common white ancestor some fifty thousand years ago, because Jewish people are white, except some converts. Possibly, the event of Miriam becoming white after rebuking Moses in the Exodus story reports when the white gene entered the Hebrew population, some 50,000 years ago. Maybe there through marriage it spread to the then partially separate Celtic people. How far back did Jewish people branch away from the Celtic people is unknown, but it’s been a long time, enough to consider that the entire Chaldean nation of Abraham became white. Before Moses, specifically during the slavery in Africa or Egypt, the Hebrew people may have been black. It is known that far enough back in history everyone has black ancestors.

Textual Support for the Iliad Actually Following Genesis Instead of Exodus
The major point of this argument, that the Iliad should follow Genesis instead of Exodus, is that if the Torah is to be taken seriously, then its words must match real life. There is nowhere in the Torah that says Moses received and wrote Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, so there is no contradiction so far. That is for starters there must be some sort of mystical Y chromosome that is associable with the scepter. The Torah contains several gems and clues that might lead one to conclude the claim of this essay’s title by the claim of the scepter though it may leave modern Jews and Christians groaning for having superfluous inaccurate traditions associable with Torah. This essay addresses some Torah clues, Tanach clues, Apocrypha clues, and other clues that suggest Exodus isn’t an appropriate book to follow Genesis, and that the Iliad is more appropriate book to follow Genesis. The essay is by no means comprehensive.
In Torah, specifically Genesis, kings are to come from the womb of Sarah and the scepter or the right of kings is held by Judah. However, strangely in the second book of Torah, Exodus, there are no Jewish kings mentioned, but instead slavery. It therefore follows that if Genesis is to be thought of as true, what should directly follow is a book of kings, and not Exodus or slavery, as what is Judah’s scepter supposed to mean for the world if there are no examples of it in place in Torah. That is by Genesis the Hebrew people were to be either kings or among them, royalty, such as in the story of Joseph, and the story of the Exodus describes the exact opposite, such that it doesn’t really fit. The Iliad is a book of kings that fits that bill, such that it better follows Genesis than Exodus.
That is this is an the argument that these supposed gods in the Iliad were actual people, as they acted as such in the story of the Iliad, and even had a family tree. For example, the family tree of the Greek and Persian gods, the royal house of Troy, also connects with Icelandic mythology as the ancestors of European nobility. Strangely most every noted king in history is said to have descended from the god Zeus, but if these gods were actual people, then this is not so strange.
Most European kings are said to descend from Dardanus, a son of Zeus in the book of the Iliad. In order to consider Zeus as a person phonetics are important. Phonetics are valid because even as late as the Middle Ages words had phonetic spellings. There just wasn’t a correct way to spell a word outside of Judaism, which has proved to be a very accurate religion in the copying of its documents. This is why the Bible is to be considered as more accurate than the Iliad.
If Zeus is to be a king, it might be thought that the Bible should have a descendent of Judah that has a name that sounds like Zeus. That is if we are to have a book inserted in the Bible, the Iliad, there needs to be some continuity. Part of that continuity is possible in that very few descendents of Judah are mentioned in the Torah, such that a phonetic comparison should have some validity due to the unlikeness in statistics for phonetic comparison. The Genesis family tree extending from Judah is small, but it does have a person named Zerah. Zeus and Zerah actually sound alike. Could Zeus and Zerah be the same person? The first argument, already mentioned for that is that if this were true it would allow for continuity by a lineage of kings between the Iliad and Genesis. It would cause the story of Genesis to make sense in the light of its words.
The second argument, a phonetic one is a comparison of the book of Chronicles and the Iliad. There is some phonetic continuity already demonstrated through the words Zeus and Zerah, and it is unlikely to be due to randomness alone. However, there is more, the Chronicler knew of a son of Zeus with a similar name to that of a descendent of Zerah. This person is Dardanus, son or Zeus, or Dara or Darda son of Zerah. This further increases the possibility that these phonetic comparisons are by chance alone. Zeus has many offspring by the Iliad, so it is thought that this is weaker than the Zeus is Zerah argument.
Moreover, in the phonetics one might expect that the oldest God of the Iliad might be the God of the Bible. There are phonetic similarities between Jove, the God of Zeus and Jehovah the God of the people in the book of Genesis. Don’t laugh, as the original pronunciation for Jehovah has been lost. Perhaps, Jove was an accepted pronunciation for Jehovah. Zeus himself descends from Jove, just as Adam was formed from the dust of the earth by the God of Israel.
In summation, the phonetic argument is not only solid for continuity of story between the Iliad and Genesis, but it is also rich. In fact, it is so rich that it has been suggested that Greek is actually a Semitic language. That’s three phonetic similarities, but there are more than that when considering the descendents of those from the Iliad by the ancient Icelandic Langfedgatal book, where there is a Moda and a Magi. Moda, a descendent of the Iliad’s King Priam, is a full blown Hebrew word. Magi, a descendent of King Priam as well, also relates to Judaism through Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism was a religion of the Chaldeans, the ancient tribe of Abraham, the great grandfather of Judah, by Genesis.
After analysis of the historical data, one should be left asking: Why is it said that actual kings such as Darius the Great and Alexander the Great are said to descend from Zeus from ancient manuscripts? More than that, why are the people the descended from the gods’ part of a family, like the family in Genesis, where it is said ruling power belongs to the tribe of Judah? Taking this essay in its entirety, there is enough evidence that these facts can’t be coincidences. For instance, in the book of Macabees, king Darius the great is considered the brethren of Jews by the Jews. Thus, Macabees is a reference that Judah is the common ancestor for Darius and the Jews at that time. Kings were supposed to descend from Judah by Genesis, meaning that Jews and Darius the Great having common lineages should be no surprise to a keen reader. Chronologically it is known that Darius and Dardanus or Darda can’t be the same person though. Plato reports that Darius the Great descended from Zeus. Could Plato be right, meaning that Macabees is combinable with the Iliad in such a way that Zeus was a descendent of Judah? I argue that Plato was right, and that Zeus was a descendent of Judah, as the phonetics and continuity arguments that the Iliad is of Hebrew origin are very strong.
Throughout history rulers, whether descended from Zerah or Zeus, or if these people are one in the same, have also had affinities for things that are Jewish. This is not coincidence, and it is a third textual argument beyond phonetics and the actual continuity having the Iliad directly follow Genesis would allow for. Hints of traditions that rulers descended from Judah exist in the Flavian dynasty of Rome. One need only ask, why is Flavius Josephus, a relative of the emperors in Rome witting a Jewish history of the world, if he is not Jewish! The same is true of King James V and the King James Bible, complete with a full translation of the “Old Testament.” Being careful with ancestries, the Flavian Dynasty and King James V are genetically related. However, what this entails is that the Emperor of Rome during the time of Jesus would have been a Jew, invalidating the statement of the Talmud that the scepter was removed.
The next argument is that Exodus doesn’t belong after Genesis by the content of Exodus in relation to the scepter mentioned in Genesis. The Iliad is about kings, and Jewish kings should come before the removal of the scepter in Exodus. I’ve read several Jewish articles on the messiah, but what none of them address is the removal of the scepter. Judah was supposed to have the right to judicial authority and this is represented by the scepter mentioned in the book of Genesis. This scepter was removed far earlier than Christians say it was. Many Christians quote the Talmud, saying the line present in it, “Woe to us! The scepter has been removed, but there is no messiah.” Um! Excuse me! What was Exodus? I thought it was a period of enslavement of the Israelites! There was no scepter held by the Jews while they were slaves in Egypt. That would mean that if anyone is Shiloh, the messiah, it’s Moses, unless we take other biblical literature seriously saying that the messiah is to be a descendent of David, but one can be sure that the messiah, as the descendent of David won’t be coming because the expectations of him are far too great for any man to fulfill. It doesn’t make any sense, unless the rabbis are wrong and the Iliad follows Genesis, such that Shiloh doesn’t even have to be a descendent of Judah. Between Genesis and Exodus something major changed, and that was by Genesis there were specific tribes, where only the Levites were priests, but the people of the Exodus were to be a nation of priests, only, such that it is as if there is a missing book of kings prior to the removal of the scepter in Exodus.
The summation of the data, almost no kings coming from this nation of priests indicates that this group, now calling themselves Jews, cannot be looked to for reliably as the only people from the nation of Abraham. However, this is more than a case of the lost tribes of Israel, but a case of the lost Jews of the Torah. That is people that say that the Bible should not be looked to for accuracy can’t use the popular translations of the data, as I don’t use them here. It has to be that the Celtic people are the nation of Abraham, as this is the only way that allows for a reliable translation of Genesis, such that it is considered accurate. The actual data of the Jewish population, both DNA and history support this claim.
This national priesthood idea actually makes sense as priests inherit the absence of property while males that possibly made of this nation of priests were probably converts that had no inheritance among the Israelites. That is, if you can’t be anything else, then you can be among a nation of priests without property inheritance, and mostly separate from the priestly tribe of Levites scattered among other tribes! The book of Numbers supports this claim, as descendents of Esau are questionably priests, specifically Korech did not have a pure ancestry. This means that the people calling themselves Jews hijacked Judaism, as none can be sure if he or she is of any Israelite tribe, such that the Jews misnamed themselves.
Using the argument of royal DNA, then the people claiming to be Jews are probably not the Jews, as they descend genetically from four women. Granted, descent from Sarah is sufficient to convey kingship, but not Jewish kingship, and no Jew can do that much by ancestry, as converts can’t be kings. The Torah forbids appointing converts to the position of king. Since, there are four women known that Jews descend from by the DNA evidence, this excludes any male ancestors as being very prominent in the gene pool, such that is it unknown if a descendent of Judah is in it. Jews have no discernable ancestries that would allow individuals to be appointed to kingship over the Jewish tribe for lack of a discernable ancestry.
Traditional Jews have mucked themselves up into a legality pretzel for trying to be more accurate than Jewish documentation allows for. This argument gains speed if you consider that Genesis says Abraham’s nation is to be a great nation. If the Torah is to be taken seriously, then the Jewish people of today could not be this nation only, as they have no history of being great among the nations, kicked from country to country throughout known history.
Jews love to try to be super accurate with words. Surprisingly, that is the mark of a good priest, and it could be an inherited survival law for this tribe. It must be hard to survive as convert Levites, together among the nations rather than separate having no promised birthright given by Jacob in Genesis.
One reason I feel Celtic people neglect these birthrights, such as the scepter for Judah, is that in a mystical sense one does not have to worry about the promises of the Bible coming true, and that these promises simply happen, as there are no Laws to ensure that the tribe of Judah in particular has the scepter. It is not by law, but by mystical inheritance of Judah’s Y chromosome that one can become a king.
There is another possibility, that the scepter was never removed, such that there was an enslavement of some of the Israelites, but not the majority. What all the data adds up to is that though the scepter has been removed for Jews, but by the Iliad the scepter has never been removed for Celtic people, the nation of Abraham. There have been power shifts, wars, and short periods of anarchy during interregnum, but there has always been someone with an ancestry going back to Zeus that has been in charge for white people. This trend continues in America today.


  1. Very interesting! I have been working on my genealogy and found through my Grandfather's 2nd Great Grandmother's line through her father goes all the way back to Zerah son of Judah. So, naturally I am tracing all of this and finding mythological names connected. What a great history lesson! My line is on my blog.
