Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Foreclosures Higher Than Improvement in House Sales

Foreclosures Higher Than Improvement in House Sales

Check out:



New Home Sales Up 9.6 Percent During July 2009

Here are the stats:

1.5 million foreclosures this year

360,149 foreclures in July alone

336,173 foreclosures in June alone

433,000 is the seasonally adjusted rate for house sales this year

That means that in just two months the amount of housing foreclosures is much greater than the annual amount of new houses sold. The economy is still horrible despite what people say.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Simple Disproof of Christ by Dietary Law

Simple Disproof of Christ by Dietary Law

The New Testament tells us that we are saved by grace, right? It’s only through faith in Jesus, right? Following dietary laws is not the way to heaven, right? If you believe this and would not speak out against the following dietary prohibitions, then I would not even want to talk to you or be in your, “Heaven.”

First, I suggest that you might eat dung. In biology, this is called being coprophagous. Some people like to model human behavior after animals that might eat anything. If you are a Christian, then I suggest demonstrating it by eating poop, perhaps your own. Surely, you won’t go to hell for it or maybe?

Secondly, maybe you have some pets. Go ahead! Eat them while they are still alive. Let’s see where in the Ten Commandments is that one? It’s not, but it is in your Old Testament, all ye Christians. Take a bit out of your pets paw. Ouch! If you do that you, then you are one sick bastard. You won’t go to my heaven, and Jesus won’t be there. Rather, I hope you rot in hell!

Next, if you feel so inclined. Eat another human, and testify how you are saved by grace and free from the Law. You see, it is not kosher to eat human. Maybe, take a bite out of a living human. Tasty! Huh! But, you won’t be in my heaven and Jesus won’t be there either. Jesus will be where you are going if there is an afterlife.

You see, in the heaven of Jesus there are people that eat poop, living pets, and other living humans. That can’t be heaven! That is hell. So is it time to start believing in the dietary Laws as a way to heaven. I think so!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Anarchist Opinion: Government and Evil

Anarchist Opinion: Government and Evil

It might surprise you. If you have been reading my blog, then you know I am an anarchist. That is what the symbol on the page means. The circle with the “A” through it, but I changed it. Mine also has a peace symbol and a dollar sign symbol, and a yin yang symbol for balance. The “A” stands for anarchy, but it is offset by the peace symbol and the dollar sign symbol. The dollar sign symbol represents trade. I know very well that trade must exists in order for people to get their resources so that they can live. Though the dollar sign and government are now related, this is not necessary. Gold silver, and other monies need no government regulation, and many of these are still available as coins, such as silver dollars, which used to be silver.

There is the peace symbol within the symbol of anarchy on my page, which indicates that anarchy is not beneficial unless it is accompanied by peace. Okay, so that hasn’t happened yet. The world has experienced periods of peace, but not without government. This is one reason I do not feel government is necessarily evil. However, government is regulation, and for that it must be regulated itself.

This is one reason I blog about what the government should do, as now it supports due process. It is a balance called a republic. The government tells us what to do, and we tell the government what to do. That is the yin yang of the republic. It is the yin yang any anarchist must have. There must be a balance in regulation. It cannot be one sided.

Due process is not necessarily evil, but in our country it protects the rich. The police are essentially a militia that is designed to protect the rich. This due process of a republic is one reason I feel justice and wealth redistribution has stagnated in the USA. Anarchists or the democratic republic of a mob would not tolerate it. Anarchy is anything but the stagnation of justice. It is also not without justice. Freud and Judaism say that we have both evil and good inclinations, and if a state of anarchy was allowed to stabilize, then I believe people actually would behave in it.

As long as the government promotes stagnation of wealth redistribution, I am an anarchist. Anarchists don’t support government, so it is impossible for them to develop a government that will overthrow any government, and thus start a new one. In this way, I still work and blog to try to improve this human condition, but it is my opinion that the human condition won’t improve until the USA goes through a period of anarchy.

Friday, August 21, 2009

USA Debt Solution

USA Debt Solution

The problem is that the wealth is not being redistributed. Some people have more money than they deserve. There is nothing that any person can do to deserve a billion. Immediately, if you are well read, then the man Karl Marx should come to your head. This is the “implosion” he said would happen due to capitalism. Karl Marx knew that the wealth had to be redistributed, but his idea failed in its implementation. In Russia, and many other countries Marxism is associable with big government. I, personally, hate big government. It has slowly been creeping up on the American people. More taxes and more programs if you are a democrat and not taxing the rich are the two mottos, or trenches that our country has dug. So how about something totally different? How about something that increases wealth redistribution, but the government doesn’t see the money? Now, I can feel you saying: How do we pay for it? I suggest, cutting programs. People ought to pay for programs out of their own pocket, not the government’s pocket. It’s like the government is some sort of complex plumbing system that sometimes fails, and nobody knows where the water has gone it is so big. So first, I suggest pealing back big government. However, peeling back big government in itself does not redistribute the wealth. Yet, very importantly, it gives the means to do so.

Next, I suggest coming up with a living wage. People, generally already do this. However, I do not favor mandating a living wage. Not everyone needs a living wage. People like paper boys, and the like in high school have no business earning a living wage. However, there are certain companies that can afford to pay living wage, but do not. This is the problem. There is water caught up in the pipes, and it is polluting the whole system. Thus, instead of taxes I suggest that business be forced to operate under mathematical wealth redistribution formulas. These formulas need not be complex. Yet, a surplus for a certain month ought to be also in the hands of the workers of a company. Workers should see a bonus in their check for good work, and that should be based on a single buildings net profit, but capped by an exponential profit return to employees, the more the business makes, the more the business has to return to its workers. Businesses that can’t afford to pay a living wage shouldn’t have to go under for it. Basically I suggest using the equation y = (x^2/z)*k*c in order to determine employee wages. As net or x increases, y or payback to the employees increases, based upon z, the employees set wage. K would represent living wage. “C” would represent a constant that would make the equation within reason for a particular economic period.

Does it sound too difficult? It shouldn’t be. This is basic algebra. It is taught generally to high school freshmen and accelerated eighth graders. If you can’t figure out the equation, then I don’t have any pity for you if you are a business owner or go into business, as you shouldn’t have even graduated high school.

So what about the government? Isn’t the government in worse shape than we are as citizens, as far as debt is to be concerned? My theory suggests that if people were paid according to this, that the wealth should also be redistributed through taxes that are already in place, back to the government.

There is a third change I feel our country needs, as well. We have to stop companies from employing people oversees. Just as tariffs are often imposed for foreign goods, so too should the same be done for employment. That is we need to offer companies incentives for employing American workers, as when Americans work, wealth gets redistributed to us, and not overseas.

Capitalism Crumbling

Capitalism Crumbling

There was a time when you could expect that cutting taxes for the wealthy would cause wealth redistribution. That was before television. It was back when your neighbor’s doorbell could be rung and you could expect to be greeted, warmly. However, America is as the North Pole socially. You can’t ring your neighbor’s doorbell and expect a warm reaction. In fact, you might expect to be hurried out or else the police will be called. This is because of television. People watch hours of TV a day, and it replaced our conversational skills. Instead, we look at the television with blank stares zoned out for hours a day. Consequently, being rich is like a caste. There is no social mingling between classes, but the rich are hidden away, and they have been desensitized to the plight of common men trying to get jobs.

Sure there are many caring souls out there, but they are working for the non-profits. They are outside of the capitalist caste. This was a class before it was a caste, back when there was social mobility. Instead of redistributing the wealth this capitalist class sees the bottom line. Instead of seeing people, the capitalists see dollars. Dollars are comforting to them, not social interaction. Thus, I see the neo-conservatives as outdated. They have not kept up with the times. George Bush Jr. and his dad and Ronald Reagan would practice trickledown economics. It is a policy that doesn’t work anymore because we have lost the natural element of socializing, simply being human. Consequently, as the non-profits scramble to help people, the capitalists farm their jobs out over sees, and offer poor health care. It’s a system that can’t hold.

President Barrack Obama is no more right than the recent Republican Presidents. He wants to support the lower classes through the government, and basically inflate us to prosperity. This is about as bad as trickledown economics. These sorts of policies destroy the value of the dollar.

It is high time that we actively seek to redistribute the wealth through government, and make the capitalists pay up. It is time to stop them from taking advantage of people that are in a lower caste. It is time to mandate that they stop farming out our jobs overseas. It is time to mandate a living wage. The capitalists need to read the writing on the wall, “Share the wealth or else people will overturn the government.” Politicians are constantly having their popularity fall to dismal levels. This can only happen so many times before revolution. Eventually, people will lose hope that the next politician will make any difference.

Mafia Wars Advanced Intermediate

Mafia Wars Advanced Intermediate

By now, you should have the “One Down” achievement. Next, go for the “What Else You Got?” achievement. When you get it, I'll consider you an advanced player.

Doing jobs have the benefit of getting cool stuff, but you’ll get stuff a lot faster through fighting. For example, it should take 3 or 4 stamina points to get something cool for loot, but getting something cool through doing a job might take 50 energy. The payout for fighting is going to be a lot higher, so fight! But, also go for the “What Else You Got,” achievement. It is the best way to strengthen your character so that you win your fights, especially when you get the goody for master level 3. First, boost your character by doing simple jobs. Then, you will have enough energy to do the harder jobs. While getting the, "What Else You Got," there should be some other achievements you get such as, "Mercenary," "Spreading It Around," "Bulletproof," "My Little Friend?" and, "That's Amore."

Don't be a zealot for the "What else you got?" achievment. You still want to use your energy on for looting in jobs, but that is it. At this point you should have enough finances that the money from doing jobs should be inconsequential. Thus, money should not be a reason to do a job. Neither should experience. More experiance just boost you to a higher level, where you will find things more difficult. Having access to better loot is not a reason either, as it is easier to get good loot from Fighting. At higher levels, other Mafia's will find it easier to pick over your stuff. You don't want that. When you do jobs, try to do the easy ones first. These will boost your character when you reach 100%. There is a lesser experience to energy ratio in the easier jobs, making them better to strengthen your character.

If your Mafia is superior, then you should also have a lot of loot by now, and winning fights easily. That is, if you have done what I have said in my first two blogs. For example, if you haven’t earned the “Unstoppable” and “Armed and Dangerous” achievement a long time ago and are already into intermediate play, chances are your loot has been picked over. If you are at intermediate play without this achievement, chances are that all your hard work went to supporting the other Mafias. Your loot is in other peoples Mafia accounts. This is for people that have the “Personal Fleet” achievement, a 501+ mafia, and probably as many Chain Guns, which means that you must have been investing your money at the intermediate level in properties. This means you should be constantly recruiting more Mafia, so that you win fights, but make sure everyone has at least a chain gun, a machete and a town car, or as many CM Setas, 4X4 and better vehicles as you can afford in Cuba. Again, the better your Mafia, the more fights you win, and that will equate to having lots of cool loot.

Go for the Cuba achievements too! You want to get, “Banana Republic, ''Havanna Hatrick" and Tycoon. Though the items for purchase seem better, the “Like a Hurricane,” achievement is nothing to be zealous for. Get it though! I rarely get anything good out of fighting in Cuba. Maybe, I’m spoiled. The Armor and Vehicles are better in Cuba, so it’s not just about Chain Guns and Town Cars, which you will slowly not needing anymore in your fights. You will want to have Jungle Trackers etcetera and better for everyone instead of just Body Armor. This will mean dividing your pesos in Cuba between upgrading businesses, and equipment. The more you invest, the more your investments will allow you to invest in inventory.

At the beginning of your play I am assuming that you gift people generously. Here is pointer, Body Guards are better than Night Vision Goggles all around. By now you should also know how important Untraceable Cell Phones are. Gift them too! Only pricks give motorcycles!

Boosts were recently added to the game. They don't change play much though, and there is no new strategy for play with them.

Observing Shabbat

Observing Shabbat

When I became more interested in observance, the first thing I wanted to do was observe Shabbat. For years I recognized the day. Even when I was at a Christian college, I recognized Shabbat. That was the day I took it easy. My Christian friends said Sunday, and I said Friday night to Saturday Evening. Had I said otherwise, I may not have even looked to Judaism. I was taking an Old Testament class at the time, and at one point the Professor asked, “Is anyone here Jewish?” I didn’t raise my hand, but I was very interested in Judaism at the time. During this period, I was trying to figure if I could salvage any of the New Testament. Did any of it make sense? To me the Torah made sense, though I questioned some parts of it, but the New Testament was different. I wondered if I could believe in any of it. I ended up concluding that the books of James and Philemon were decent, but hardly authoritative.

For me the question of whether or not Christianity was true or Judaism was true was not easy. I had to read all the books. Cross-reference everything. Scrutinize the texts. Read the scholarly literature. Again, and again I was coming to the conclusion that Christianity wasn’t right for me. No, I was particular, the way Jews are about the Torah. Christianity did not leave any room for particulars. For example, I could clearly see that by the text Shabbat should begin when the sun goes down, given the way Genesis reads. Christianity didn’t say Saturday night was also Shabbat. It didn’t begin at night. How could this make any sense? Then, there were the other things I was never able to accept, such as the idea that Jesus was God. For me Christianity was wading in verses that all seemed to contradict each other.

Finally, I thought to myself. I will write until I can figure out this idea of being saved. Like a Jew, I wanted to consider all the possibilities. Out of this writing, on soteriorology, the word used for the study of salvation or the “Holy Spirit,” I found myself finding nothing but contradictions. I found all the verses and none of it could make sense to me anymore. Christians could just say to me, accept the idea of salvation on faith, that we just can’t understand the nature of God and that the scriptures contained mystery. I feel the same way about observing Shabbat now.

There is a part of me that says, I want to observe Shabbat, but then there is a part of me that does not want to be “That house.” That is the house that is caught up in some sort of mystery, the house where the lights are turned off on Friday night, as the normal people with cars with thumping stereos and headlights drive by. Much like my readings of the New Testament the world of confusion that we live in is the one with the cars, the headlights, and the thumping stereos. How can this be rest, if we can’t find peace on this day but living in a vacation area Shabbat is perhaps the liveliest night? It is the night where we often see the police lights pulling over cars for drinking and driving. That is normal, but we would be, “That house,” if we observed Shabbat. We would be the house that does not fit in.

I don’t really care too much about what people think, though I indicate it here. It’s more along the lines of, “What are we supposed to think?” The headlights, the cars and the stereos are all theoretically transgressions. They spoil the peace and debase the day. Granted, goyim aren’t required to observe this day. I know this because I tried to observe Shabbat. There is a part of Torah that commands to go with the flow. I can’t remember where to find it, but it is there. In that command coupled with peace, I find the greatest peace going with the flow on that night. If I go with the flow, then the headlights, cars and stereos don’t bother me.

I do take it easy that night, Friday night, but I don’t do anything that would make us, “That house.” Somewhere in this buzzing world a harmony is found by not being over righteous. That means; it’s okay to recognize Shabbat, and rest on that day though I will not be able to find peace in the Talmudic idea of Shabbat. All the little laws get in the way. It’s not that they are wrong, but they are against the flow. All the other days I can go with or against the flow, as I please. However, on this day, I go with the flow, and in that I find rest.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Finding a Job

I just heard on NPR that for those with new bachelor's degrees only two thirds of this years' (2009) graduating class is being hired to a professional job. That is only 1 in 3 that are hired to professional jobs. Sure college grads are getting hired, but not to professional jobs! Strangely, I have also seen a statistic where the amount of people with college degrees that are unemployed is greater than that have high school educations. I ran into this. Several jobs won't employee college grads, but will employ high school drop outs. Yet, in spite of this the rate of those with jobs and college degrees was greater. This means the majority of the public has a college degree.
New college grads are finding themselves in a difficult situation. I found one story where a student sued for her tuition because she can't find a job,2933,536175,00.html

The news keeps reporting that the economy is better. That is probably a result of the economic stimulas, which has only inflated the economy to make it have the appearance of being better. The fact is that unemployment is at 9.4%. Yes, it was at 9.6%, but again that was the stimulus. Eventually, we will have to pay for it. The fact is that many college educated people aren't finding jobs, a while 33% of them. Another fact is that among the 40 something class, those that lose their job have a difficult time as well. This is still a very bad economy. Peter Schiff predicted it would get better and he was right again, but he also says that the economy will then fall after this improvement. Another fact, is that the improvement might better be termed stabilization. That is, the improvment is mild at best. One day it could be better the next day it could be worse, but that stabilization is to end. There are several reputable people saying the economy is to worsen. There is Ron Paul and Peter Schiff. Then, their is the very reputable Igor Panarin saying that the USA's days are numbered.

Matrilineal Ascent -A Great Contradiction in Judaism

Matrilineal Ascent -A Great Contradiction in Judaism

Jews say maternal ascent is the way to inherit Judaism, saying Isaac was Jewish but Ishmael was not. Here there is a pattern of maternal ascent where Kings come from the womb of Sarah, according to the Torah. However, when thinking that is not to say Ishmael was not a Jew. The first obvious contradiction is: What of the first Jew? The mother of Abraham is not considered Jewish. Her name is not even mentioned in the Torah. However, this pattern occurs again. Rebecca was Jewish, and she was the mother of Jacob and Esau. Yet, here is where the hypocrisy begins. Esau is not considered Jewish. The hypocrisy continues with Lot. He was a Jew. He was the son of Abraham’s brother. This is one family. There are no divisions in it at this time in the Torah. Abraham was to be the founder of a nation. This is the Jewish nation. It makes no sense not to include his immediate family, people such as Hagar, Keturah, Lot, Esua and Ishmael. This nation then has tribes, but yet the Torah does not mention many of the mothers’ names. Are we to think that Darda is not a Jew because there is no Jewish mother mentioned for Zerah. What about Hezron and Hamul. There are no Jewish mothers there, but yet we consider them to be Jewish.

Jews recognize that tribal affiliation comes from the father, but what of intermarriage. Is it really a reason to consider someone not to be a Jew? It wasn’t for the half-tribes, Manassah and Ephraim. Then, there is this idea of conversion, neglecting the Samaritan idea given in Genesis. Orthodox Jews use conversion to explain everything, but conversion is not in the Torah and neither is having a Jewish mother. The idea of conversion arrives with the book of Ruth. Ruth becomes a ger and not a full Israelite in this book, according to the castes of the Talmud. The myth of the Jewish maternal ascent being the only way doesn’t arrive until much later with the prophet Ezra. However, one descended from Judah is affiliated with Judah, as any other of these tribes. He/she is not to be cast away, but to retain this affiliation, mother or not.

So what is with this identity crisis in Judaism? Jews now focus more on their ancestries and their rite by birth than the ethics of the Torah. That is sham Judaism. Sham Judaism is someone that says, “I am a Jew because my mother was a Jew, and that is all I know about this religion.”

Quick Summary of British Israelist Thinkin

It would seem that having a King in ones ancestry would be proof that one is a Jew. Wasn’t the scepter supposed to be in the hands of Judah? Weren’t the Kings to arise from the womb of Sarah? This makes me a British Israelist. The monarchy didn’t intermarry, or was um inbred. 2,000 years and no messiah. I can hardly believe that, especially that there are 4 ancestries through different countries the monarchy and Presidents have that go back to Judah. And, how did this Judeo-USA government come about, but through people that trance their ancestry to medieval Kings.

Credit Card Debt - Has it Really Improved?

The following article claims an improvement in credit card debt.

However, all debt considered, we are still in the negative. How much so is yet to be tallied. It is an easy guess to get correct. This improvement is probably the direct result of the economic stimulus plan. Yet, President Barrack Obama ran the greatest deficit in the history of the USA this year, which would totally cancel out this mild improvement in credit card debt, ~3%. Given the governement's enormous deficit, overall the debt can easily be judged without any hard stats to be increasing. This is not a sign that times are getting better. This is a sign of the President Barrack Obama trying to inflate us out of recession. It can't work.

note: It was the newly sworn in President Barrack Obama that signed and supported the economic stimulus plan. Check the dates, as I've had several people tell me it was former President George Bush Jr., but that is incorrect.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Who is a Jew? II

Who is a Jew? II

I fail to understand Rabbis. I remember that during the time the destruction of the second Temple, the Talmud says it happened because the Jews of the time were not merciful enough. My status as a Jew is questionable, but the everyday Jew seems happy that I am interested in the culture or simply to have me as a friend, while Rabbis turn me away. I might be welcomed at a secular humanist synagogue, but for me, as Tzvi says, “It’s all or nothing.” Acceptance at a secular humanist denomination border is at the border of false teaching. That makes me somewhat of hypocrite because I want all, without accepting having a Jewish mother is the only source of Jewry, aside from conversion.

Jewish souls somehow arrived on earth, and given the lost ancestries, Rabbis cannot call themselves ancestral authorities. That is there is no longer a proof of Jewishness that Rabbis can cling to. The proofs of Jews that they are Israelites all seem questionable to me. I could have simply lied and said that I was a Jew, but I didn’t, at least to Rabbis. Otherwise, I call myself a Jew. I know that would be wrong to say to Rabbis because that is their prerogative, but I don’t think the Rabbis are anymore correct for rigid adherence to doctrine. That I didn’t lie should be considered evidence that I am Jew, not the contrary, as telling the truth is not a Law requirement for gentiles.

Yes, teachers are judged more harshly and this is probably where everything stems from. Your average Jew is going to be lenient, while a Rabbi is going to be cut and dry, but that neglects the Jewish idea of mercy in capital cases, where if one is put to death in 70 years, the court is bloody. To me that is the spirit of the Law, not rigid adherence to it over issues such as maternal ascent. Biblical patriarchs would have been put to death by the law if not for God’s mercy. Mercy is Abraham’s foundation he put to Judaism, and it precedes maternal ascendance.

I do not believe the Judeo based government of the USA can be explained by the minority of Jews. It is explained by the founding fathers that traced their lineages to kings. It is not only that Jews were attached to Britain when historically residing there, but also Britain is attached to Jews. These love us then hate us mentalities of these lands bear much resemblance of a husband’s quarrels with his wife, the Jews rebuking their kings as a wife rebukes her husband. At my heart, I think Jews have made a great mistake by not considering the kings of the world to be Jewish. By the method of kingship, I would have maternal ascent, having a very noble background, 10 descents from kings paternally, and more from my mother’s lineage.

How did these kings ascend to the throne without their mothers support? This is not a law, but a fact that kings arise from the descendants of Sarah’s womb. I believe this explains how President Barrack Obama could become President, as his mother has this lineage. Therefore, I do not accept that the scepter has been removed for 2,000 years without the arrival of the messiah. This is clearly a mistake. The scepter has been in place for 3,000 years, and the kings and rulers appointed by the people to their positions of power, and usually not by goyim. Who takes an interest in his vote, but an Israelite? There are very few in our country that have anymore than basic knowledge in civics.

Those descended from monarchs have not remarried: said the young Jews, “We are ready to sleep with our husband again. We will love him even if it means forgetting our traditions.” Yet, the Rabbis and the elders said, “We will turn you away. This is a silent holocaust leaving us bloody. We will remember you as our husband and vote for you, but we will sleep in separate beds. The time for forgiveness has passed, and we are bitter.”

Yet, the husbands of the Jews stayed true through support of Israel especially those like George Bush Jr., a descendent of Judah whom at one time carried the scepter, though making several poor decisions. Many Jews are saying again through the Obama administration, “Our husband has not remembered us,” but he is not your husband having no paternal inheritance. The Jewish vote helped elect President Barrack Obama, and the Jews funded his campaign. Now we can’t remarry. As the Jews in Israel abort their babies, woe to us! The scepter has been removed. Judaism has been nullified. And, the people have said, we will go to war (Iran) to get our mind off this horror.

Monday, August 17, 2009

How the Torah supports British Israelism:

How the Torah supports British Israelism:

Genesis 17:16 And I will bless her (Sarah), and moreover I will give thee a son of her; yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of peoples shall be of her.'

Comment: Jewish lineages determine descent from the mother. The kings of the Semites should claim Sarah as the ancestor of their mother.

Genesis 49:9 Judah is a lion's whelp; from the prey, my son, thou art gone up. He stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as a lioness; who shall rouse him up?

Comment: Many nobility emblems are shields that have lions. The imagery matches. Their descendants founded the USA and created its government, which is Judeo-Christian.

Genesis 49:10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, as long as men come to Shiloh; and unto him shall the obedience of the peoples be.

Comment: Judah was to be a tribe of nobility. The ancestries of nearly every king for the last 3,000 years are interlaced. If Genesis 49:10 is to be true, then British Israelism has to be true.

“Not to intermarry with gentiles (Deut. 7:3)

Comment: Nobility generally married nobility. The rulers of this world are inbred.

“To appoint judges and officers in every community of Israel (Deut. 16:18)

Comment: Trojan, Feudal and American government, all of which we under a king or ruler do this.

That one who possesses evidence shall testify in Court (Lev. 5:1)

Comment: It is a law of the USA not to lie under oath.

To examine witnesses thoroughly (Deut. 13:15)

Comment: Lawyers cross-examine those giving testimony.

To give the decision according to the majority, when there is a difference of opinion among the members of the Sanhedrin as to matters of law (Ex. 23:2)

Comment: This is a part of our legal system. Also, Congress or the Senate might be regarded as the Great Sanhedrin, and State government bodies as the Lesser Sanhedrin.

Not to favor a great man when trying a case (Lev. 19:15)

Comment: It is imperative that in the USA, that judges in our country be impartial.

Not to execute one guilty of a capital offense, before he has stood his trial (Num. 35:12)

Comment: This is the concept of due process.

Not to steal personal property (Lev. 19:11)

Comment: Stealing is illegal.

To adjudicate other cases between a plaintiff and a defendant (Ex. 22:8)

Comment: The USA has both plaintiffs and defendants.

To exile one who committed accidental homicide (Num. 35:25)

Comment: Manslaughter carries the punishment of a prison sentence.

Not to curse a ruler, that is, the King or the head of the College in the land of Israel (Ex. 22:27)

Comment: It is illegal to threaten to kill the President.

To appoint a king (Deut. 17:15)

Comment: The Israelites have done this throughout history. Jewish kings have ruled for the past 3,000 years.

That he shall not accumulate an excessive quantity of gold and silver (Deut. 17:17)

Comment: Political officials do not receive a great amount of pay in the USA.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I Maccabees 12 and British Israelism

verse 12:6 "Jonathan the high priest, and the elders of the nation, and the priests, and the other of the Jews, unto the Lacedemonians their brethren send greeting:"

verse 12:7 There were letters sent in times past unto Onias the high priest from Darius, who reigned then among you, to signify that ye are our brethren, as the copy here underwritten doth specify.

I understand, Darius is Darda from Chronicles, the descendent of Judah. Darda is also the Dardanus of the Illiad descended of Zeus, whom is Zerah in both Chronicles and the book of Genesis. Odin and Thor was also descend from Darius, as the ancestor Greek gods beget the Norse gods. In Icelandic mythology, Moda descends from Thor, and Moda is a Hebrew word, which means, "Surrendering." Similarly, Odin sounds like the Hebrew word din, which in Hebrew means, "Judgement." Likewise, Thor, resembles the Hebrew word Torah.

People that criticize the phonetics and spellings used in British Israelism fail to understand that language at the time had no set spellings. There are huge differences between Latin, Old English, Middle English, and Modern English in the same way Ancient Hebrew is not the same as Modern Hebrew. Almost all ancient written works are phonetic. In the same way a connection between Darius and Zerah might be made through the teacher Zoraster. As in Hebrew, consonants are more important than vowels in word comparisons. Before you criticize me, this is a rich arguement. Magi where asociated with Zoraster. In Icelandic mythology of the gods, connected to the Bible, a man name Magi descended from Moda, and both are connected in the Illiad to Zerah or Zeus through Priam. Check out the following quote:

"This association was in turn the product of the Hellenistic fascination for (Pseudo-)Zoroaster, who was perceived by the Greeks to be the "Chaldean" "founder" of the Magi and "inventor" of both astrology and magic. Among the skeptical thinkers of the period, the term 'magian' acquired a negative connotation and was associated with tricksters and conjurers. This pejorative meaning survives in the words "magic" and "magician"." -

The Greeks called Zoraster a Chaldean, and we know that this man is most certainly a Jew, as Abraham the founder of Judaism was a Chaldean, according to the book of Genesis!

Also, compare these two facts. Abraham is often held to be the author of the Kabbalah book, Sepher Yetzirah, the book of formation, which is highly depends on the study of light. This mysticism and study of light continued through who else, but the Scots. A Scottish man invented the television. Thus, it seems the Scots, particularly the English nobility, could roughly be equated to Magi (which means magic) or Israelites descended from Zerah, and British Israelism is true.

Here is a ref for the television invention. "Another player of the times was John Logie Baird, a Scottish engineer and entrepreneur who 'achieved his first transmissions of simple face shapes in 1924 using mechanical television." -

Additionally, Orthodox Jews have become reknown for their study of Kaballah, which is highly dependent on this study of light, so this tradition continues on to this day.

Beyond the study of light Brittish Israelism has the evidence that the USA is founded by Englishmen by Judeo-Christian values. In fact, the bicameral legislative branch resembles the Great and Lesser Sandhedrin. And, the election of a President is highly similar to the election of the King, required by Jewish law. However, what you might notice about the people ruling is that none of them call themselves Jews or had a Jewish mother, as far as they know, but most all of them descend from a medieval European King. So, you see this is more than just Plato and his Republic is at work. In fact, Plato, himself, had much contact with Jews, as Helena Blavatski reports in her work Isis Unveiled []. Likewise, Maimonaides, a medieval Jewish thinker praised Aristotle. Thus, the works of Greek philosophy are really Jewish works, and this has continued by Jewish Presidents in America that are a part of a tribe of nobility that has dominated the world for three thousand years, Persia, Greek and Trojan, Europe and Great Britain, and now the USA.

Mafia Wars Intermediate Play for “Fearless” in New York:

Mafia Wars Intermediate Play for “Fearless” in New York:

Much of intermediate play depends on strengthening your character. You want to have both properties and money to buy the best equipment for everyone in your mafia, weapons, armor and vehicles, but then buying properties eventually pans out. Money in and of itself becomes boring. Robbing is an excellent way to get money, but then there comes a time when enough is enough. I say, this time can be gauged by four achievements.

1. You want to be able to afford the “Personal fleet,” achievement. This is 500 of the best vehicles available to the intermediate levels, “Town Cars.” So what if you don’t have 500 people in your mafia. This is a good gauge.

2. You want to have the “One Down” achievement. This is accomplished best by completing either the Street Thug or Associate level three times, but don’t do it just too waste energy on jobs at this low level. Do it so that you complete more difficult levels, and spend the extra on the Street Thug or Associate level.

3. You also want the “Slum Lord” achievement. You will have this easily if you have put all your extra money into properties, so that you can afford the best stuff for your mafia. Granted, “Megacasinos” bring in more cash, but that is not necessarily true dollar for dollar. The inexpensive properties often do the best dollar for dollar, and it all adds up.

4. Lastly, you want to have the “Personal Bailout” achievement, gained by depositing a billion dollars after bank fees. Specifically, this is a deposit of $1,100,000,000.

By the time you have these four achievements, your character should be strong enough to switch from robbing to fighting. Fighting has the advantage of looting. Make sure your stamina is 20-25 and don’t give up trying to heal your character even if the hospital says, “You cannot heal so fast.” Try clicking a few things and then going to the hospital again. By now the size of your mafia should by between 125 to 150 people, and you will win most any fight, even against people that are at higher levels. The more you win, the more the loot you get, and the stronger you get. Ride the roller coaster, and don’t be a doormat to other people’s mafias.

Note: This assumes you have read the beginner Mafia Wars advice, and have followed it. And, Mafia Wars is available at for free.

Government Subsidized Abortion - "Free Health Care"

It is horrible that this is even a question on peoples minds. I believe abortion is okay in a very few amount of circumstances, such as when the mother's life is endager. I believe nobody should be required to risk death over having a baby, but this should be a difficult decision. I'd even go to the extent of allowing partial birth abortions to save a life. Yes, life begins at first breath, but these are cells, human cells that could have a meaning and purpose if given a chance. Abortion is no different than taking a baseball bat and beating a dog to death with it. True, it is best to euthanize some dogs, but a dog could have done nothing to deserve this, completely innocent. Imagine the outcry in the news!

The people that support this stuff don't realize the bond that forms in pregnancy. After an abortion is performed the parents have regret. They know they have done something wrong, but they often jump into it without understanding this because they don't know any better. Many would change their minds after experiencing this regret, and not have the abortion.

Having government supported abortion is worse than the goverment funding free breast implants, sex changes, or a nose jobs. I can hardly believe that anyone could so coldly consider giving people money so that they could have an abortion unless the mother's life was in jeopardy.

Priestly Garments and Jewish Holiness

The Priestly Garments and Jewish Holiness

The red dye scarlet wool of the priestly garments is made from worms. How can this make sense? Isn’t someone that is holier greater than another. Jews don’t think that. We are all on the same playing field. In fact, for the rich, Rabbis tend to treat them more mercifully. They do not have the time a priest has to dedicate to holiness. Not as much is expected for people not in religious positions, and thus mercy is permissive for nonobservance among Jews. Teachers are judged more harshly, and it is a capital crime to falsely teach, but the rest of Jews are not held to this standard. Rather, than thinking that one is greater than another, the Jewish idea of is that those that are holy tend to see the equality among all of Creation, capitalized because it is the idea of the Almighty. A rich man might be repulsed by this garment. However, the high priest accepts it. The dye of the worm tells us that he is no greater than a worm.

“Do not think that by worshipping with deveikut 1 you are greater than another. You are like any other creature, created for the sake of His worship, blessed be He. God gave a mind to the other just as He gave a mind to you.

What makes you superior to a worm? The worm serves the Creator with all its mind and strength! 2 Man, too, is a worm and maggot, as it is written “I am a worm and no man.” (Psalms 22:7) If God had not given you intelligence you would not be able to worship Him but like a worm. Thus you are no better than a worm, and certainly [no better] than [other] people.

Bear in mind that you, the worm and all other small creatures are considered as equals in the world. For all were created and have but the ability given to them by the blessed Creator. 3

Always keep this matter in mind.” – The Baal Shem Tov

"he must abandon all awareness of “self” or “seeking” and attain a state in which everything exists for him in a state of “absolute equality.” When a person attains this state, he is in touch with his soul’s essence — a level beyond the very concepts of “higher” and “lower,” and on which he is completely nullified before G-d’s will. Such a person has attained the Holy of Holies."

(Based on Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XXIX, pp. 71-78)

"The crimson color is produced from a worm called by the Bible the "crimson worm," tola'at shani in Hebrew, a mountain worm which has been identified as kermes biblicus, the cochineal insect." -

Mafia Wars Contradictions

In Mafia Wars (Cuba): How does a hatchet cost more than CM Seta? I am feeling Mafia Wars is running out of ideas. Some of the items are downright stupid. I once got a 10 Gallon Hat and wondered: How is Ten Gallon Hat better than a Grenade Launcher? However, this game is probably as addictive as online gambling. I still play everyday. It's like the slot machine. Also, how is a Chopper (motorcycle [not a helicopter]) better than an armored truck? It doesn't make any sense.

However, given the Bernie Madoff case. It is not beyond my imagination that a Mafia could illegally run 40 mega-casinos and still not get caught by the government.

Redone - A Pharisees' Theoretical Discussion With Jesus

A Pharisees' Theoretical Discussion With Jesus

Jesus: I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill the law.

Pharisee: Best wishes! That’s what all of us Jews try to do.

Jesus: I am the living Torah. I follow the Torah with my heart.

Pharisee: You are not. You have not fulfilled the Law. Let me give you just one example. You have no children. The law says (for men only), "Be fruitful and multiply." It is the very first command of the Torah.

Jesus: I cannot have children for I am born of a virgin. I have no Y chromosome. Thus, the positive commandments don’t apply to me. I do have chromosomes though, as I am flesh and blood.

Pharisee: Perhaps, the Y chromosome miraculously appeared in you when you were conceived, or in fact you do have a flesh and blood genetic father. I think because you have a penis and excrement like the rest of men that you are a man and ought to act like one.

Jesus: I have no masculine attributes, except a penis. This is why I am Lord of Sabbath and can do as I please on this day. I am only concerned with the feminine commands, and this means I am not required to observe Shabbat.

Pharisee: Even if having children would be inappropriate for you, Jesus (as God), you are left with that fact that if you are God, then you cannot fulfill the Law, as God has masculine attributes.

Jesus: I understand everything, and you insult my Father.

Pharisee: But, we are all children of God. We are both sons of God. However, you have no home. You are homeless. How do you expect to fulfill the Law if you cannot affix a mezuzah to your doorpost?

Jesus: Woe to you Pharisees and experts in the Law.

Pharisee: If the following verses are not a call to be experts in the Law, I don't know what is. In fact, in Psalm 119 David writes of the joy of God’s law.

Joshua (1:8) This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy ways prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Psalm (1:2) But his delight is in the law of YHWH; and in His law doth he meditate day and night.
Psalm (77:13) I will meditate also upon all Thy work, and muse on Thy doings.'
Psalm (119:15) I will meditate in Thy precepts, and have respect unto Thy ways.

Jesus: I am the Lord.

Pharisee: You are not God, but a part of God, all of creation is a part of God, as God is omnipresent. You are not my Lord. You are a freak.

Pharisee: (mistakes Jesus’ claim and thinks he has committed blasphemy, even though Jesus [giving him the benefit of the doubt] meant to teach that he was Lord like David was Lord. The Talmud notes that the Pharisees where not merciful enough.) You are not God, a man cannot be God. You are not even a king. You are some sort of sexual freak of nature that does not fulfill the Law of God. First, you have no children. Second, you do not keep Shabbat. Now, you have committed blasphemy, and are enticing the Jewish people into apostasy.

Jesus: You hypocrite.

Pharisee: Though Isaiah 60:21 says, "And your people are all righteous, they shall inherit the land forever. They are the branch of My planting, the work of My hand in which to take pride.” You have forfeited your share in the World to Come for committing blasphemy.

Jesus: You are the children of your father the Devil, and the lust of your father you will do.

Pharisee: The love of Israel is love of G-d. For it is written (Deuteronomy 14:1), "You are children of the L-rd your G-d"; when one loves the father one loves the children – [Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov] – Now you are teaching improper doctrine. You claim to be a Rabbi, but this is yet another capital crime. We are up to 4 capital crimes now. Are you ready to quit?

Some other Pharisees gather stones, and Jesus runs off. The Pharisees see that he has committed another minor sin. He has given into a greater power. They shrug their heads, and go on, only to hear that Jesus has made a scene in the Temple.

Pharisee: Jesus this Temple is sacred. Why are you acting up again?

Jesus: This is my father’s house and you are desecrating it.

Pharisee: You say this Temple will be destroyed anyway. Why do you care? It seems like you are adding insult and to what will be future injury. Your sins are piled high. We can no longer deal with you.