Sunday, September 22, 2013

Any chance that we won't outspend our debt limit again in a few years if we raise it? Zip, Nope, and None!

Do we actually believe that there is any chance that we won't outspend our debt limit again in a few years if we raise it?

This is not the same as paying our bills, as the President says because when we pay our bills, debt should decrease.

This is the exact opposite of what is happening now. Now we are running up our bills with no end or hint of responsibility in sight if we write ourselves another blank check in 2 weeks and a mid-October fiasco probably coming up.

Whoever would come up with such a smoke screen idea that paying our bills is merely keeping track of the debt and not paying the debt down is a filthy liar!  Oh yeah!  That would be President Obama, and possibly the Legislature, which should call the President on his lies, as a responsibility of the checks and balances our government is supposed to work on.

Smoke screens on the economy.  Smoke screens on the governments debt.  Failure to work toward a fiscally responsible goal.  I bet the death of Osama bin Laden was a smoke screen too given all the bull our President tells us.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What Is The Worst Kind of Corruption?

Judges hold the key to freedom.  Police are sometimes overzealous and have guns.  Politicians could sodomize each other for all I care. I don't believe politicians have had any sort of sovereignty since Obama took office, not like what happened when Bush Jr. was in office.

People feared Shrub because he was borderline dumb and he had the legislature by their balls. Obama may have some accomplishments, yet some of them I imagine are faked, such as the slaughter of Osama bin Laden.  President Obama's asshole commentary on the economy leads me to suspect that because it is so full of distortions that it is essentially lies.

Politician or judge depends on who is in the position of power that makes for the worst kind of corruption.  Serving on the Supreme Court is a life sentence, and under our borderline corrupt Supreme Court, there is potential for some really bad decisions.  However, I think 5 to 4, that vote that wins usually reflects my opinion though most opinions I agree with and they are better than 5 to 4 decisions.  If that wasn’t the case I think that would be very horrible.

Under Bush Jr. we had the horrible Patriot act and the even more horrible Patriot II act.  I remember those times being paranoid.  The legislature was in power then, and I feared them for no other reason than the amount of poor decisions they made.  That was when the economy was in a downward spiral.  Currently, President Obama is doing a good job remaining composure, such that the Union hasn’t crumbled.

Under Obama though perhaps I should fear him like a leader, I just don't.  As far as a judge goes, I have only been called to do jury duty once and they didn't take my panel. That is the closest I have been to a courtroom in my life.

I do know what it is like to be locked up for mental illness.  After a few weeks it got boring.  I felt trapped.  However, I would liken that sort of lifestyle to living in a city.  I don't like the city; all eyes are watching so it would seem.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Syria and Russia - Not Our Allies, Not Even Close

I don't care who does what on whom in Syria because both the Regime and the Rebels are our enemies.

The whole deal with Russia is a distraction. Russia is not our ally, so what will Russia do during chemical weapons inspections; flip a quarter. The odds are 50/50 and not only that, they shouldn't matter.

It shouldn't matter because we shouldn't be the world's policeman when we are starkly in debt.  We need to stop making excuses for ouselves to raise the debt ceiling, and get things under fiscal control. 

I am surprised that President Obama is still pushing for war despite Russia's action.  I would have thought that he was looking for a way to back out of the chemicals weapons corner that he put himself in.

One of my Facebook friends posted the following truth that I think is very important before we go into this war, and why we should not go to war, even for a short period.

Mish Shedlock notes the quote of the day goes to Abby Martin who says "We're killing Syrians to Show Syria that Killing Syrians is Wrong.". I (my Facebook friend) would modify the quote slightly to: "We're killing Syrians to Show Syria that IMPROPERLY Killing Syrians is Wrong."

Monday, September 9, 2013

Judaism and Creationism: What Came First, The Chicken or The Egg?

It is said that Adam and Eve were created with the appearance of being 20 years old in the Garden of Eden.  How can this be so?  If Gd created the universe with the appearance of age, isn’t that deceptive?
The very meaning of deception is to create something that looks a certain way such that one would only think that it would be a certain age through analysis.  In the answer, there is an unfolding of the very meaning of age.
The world was made not with the appearance of age, but with the appearance of perfection, because the L-rd Gd would only create something perfect, and leave it to us to keep it that way.  And, He promises that eventually earth will be like it was in Gan Eden.  The only requirement is massive amounts of righteousness.  Gd did not make a world where Adam would look at a tree and think, wow that tree looks old.  That was not the intent.  Gd’s intent was for Adam to look at a tree and think, not about its age, but just simply, “Wow!!!  That looks perfect!!!”
We know this because the L-rd Gd is good.  His ways are worthy of emulation.  Because Gd is good we can know that the world was not created to deceive us that the world was old, and aged.  That would be an action not attributable to a Mighty Deity.  The Almighty Gd created the world to look perfect in an ageless way.  We humans often place too much emphasis on the beginning and ending of things such as life cycles.
Torah does not lead us to believe that things were created with the appearance of age.  However, Torah does lead us to believe that the world was created in a state of perfection, Gan Eden.  Things where not created with the appearance of age; they were created in their ideal state; something time does not know.
Chances are that we didn’t grow up in the Garden of Eden.  The world we grew up in was imperfect.  However, that perfect way that we probably never knew was outside of age because usually we associate age with death and dying, but yet the Garden of Eden had neither of these things.
In Judaism, our souls are eternal, such that birth is merely a state of the soul.  As time passes, we gain deeper understanding to the world at birth, so it is true that birth is an earlier state of life, and that infants aren’t born with much more than they need to know, and primarily what they do know revolves around motivating parents or care takers to feed them and change their dirty diapers, etc., through crying.  However, it is such that before we were on earth we did not know of age, and we came down to earth, and suddenly time became a very important issue of our lives; in fact for most of us, too important!  Our slavery to the clock in fact is one sign that we live in a fallen and imperfect world.  Gan Eden didn’t last long!
So, looking at a perspective; did the chicken come first or the egg is that chickens were created before they came into being, before time, as what we would call before an earthly state, but that the first chicken came to earth at a state of the universe known as the Garden of Eden where everything was perfect.
It is such that probably Gd probably started with a flock of chickens some with their eggs ready to hatch in the Garden of Eden with grandiose splendor.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

2nd Why I Say That I Am the Messiah

A part of the reason why I cleave to the idea of being the Messiah is because I have bipolar. I gave up on the cyclic idea of, "Now I am manic and the Messiah, and then when I am not feeling so good saying that I am not the Messiah." There will always come another time when I think that I am the Messiah, so I will own it and I will wear it on my soul.

Does Kerry Have A Conscience?

I can't believe Kerry is on board with bombing the Syrians. I would have expected him to resign. I voted him for President. This action, bombing the Syrians, is something he is saying is something that only someone with a conscience would do.

The way I see it is that the people of Syria had no good choice! Most of the people we are going to bomb had no other choice but to be in the Syrian military or be a rebel. Those in the military were just following orders where the price for disobedience was death. The other alternative, being a rebel, was never really an alternative at all, as that also carried with it the death penalty. Either side you may choose if you are a Syrian is a death penalty because President Obama is only going to be kicking Syria, our enemy, when they are down. This military action by us is far from courageous.

Napoleon's quote: "When you're enemy is making mistakes, don't stop them in the middle."

“ We need to see ourselves as basic miracles.” – Virginia Satir - My Commentary

To look at reality and think that there are no miracles leads one to believe that everything is absurd. "Why would there be anything at all, a universe, etc," I would say to someone who doesn’t believe in miracles.

On a deeper scale, not only is there a universe, but the universe is so vastly complex, just as our bodies are vastly complex, which can only be the result of intent by a fundamental Creator, one who does not belong to time, and one who did not have to be created, Himself.

The greatest minds of modernity have dedicated themselves in whole and in full to grasping even parts human body through medicine. Clearly, if you took your body, and placed a small pin, or thumbtack, upon some part of it, the vast quantity of meaningful knowledge to our humanity could be represented by the part of the skin that the pin does not occupy.

How the universe came into being is another matter, I believe that there wasn’t a first other than what God uttered, and those 10 divine utterances in Genesis created the world. Thus, it is such that the universe is the breath of God, a God that created us miraculously. That is, everything is the breath of God, both good and bad.

“ We need to see ourselves as basic miracles.” – Virginia Satir - My Commentary

To look at reality and think that there are no miracles leads one to believe that everything is absurd.  "Why would there be anything at all, a universe, etc," I would say to someone who doesn’t believe in miracles.
On a deeper scale, not only is there a universe, but the universe is so vastly complex, just as our bodies are vastly complex, which can only be the result of intent by a fundamental Creator, one who does not belong to time, and one who did not have to be created, Himself.
The greatest minds of modernity have dedicated themselves in whole and in full to grasping even parts human body through medicine.  Clearly, if you took your body, and placed a small pin, or thumbtack, upon some part of it, the vast quantity of meaningful knowledge to our humanity could be represented by the part of the skin that the pin does not occupy.
How the universe came into being is another matter, I believe that there wasn’t a first other than what God uttered, and those 10 divine utterances in Genesis created the world.  Thus, it is such that the universe is the breath of God, a God that created us miraculously.  That is, everything is the breath of God, both good and bad.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let's Stay Away From The Syria Hell Hole! (random thoughts)

Alright, so Assad, the commander chief of Syria ordered the use of chemical weapons through his troops. What were his troops supposed to say? "No?" They would probably be shot by a firing squad for disobeying Assad. So, what is Obama's response? Bomb the heck out of troops that really had no other choice than to use the chemical weapons. WTF What are we getting out of attacking the Assad's troops?

Don't forget China backs Iran and Syria. It could be devastating to us if China dumped our debt.

Obama is a man that lives by his word. He foolishly made chemical weapons the line of demarcation. If he gets his way, by his word we will attack. Frankly, even now there are worse places on earth than Syria, take for instance the Congo.

Attacking Syria, a practically worthless bunch of Islamic radicals, nearly promises that Iran gets involved. Why on earth are we risking getting Iran involved over this petty nation Syria.

And, don't forget Iran's promised attack on Israel.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Where Is Endgame In Syria?

If you have been following the situation in Syria, then you probably know that whether Assad is in power or the rebels are in power, neither is an ideal situation.  In fact, sitting back and thinking, perhaps the situation now is ideal.  We have the rebels taking up Assad’s attention, such that Syria’s hands are tied. 
We don’t like Syria because they say only Muslims should rule, or at least practically all of the people of Syria.  Personally, I don’t consider Islamic rule as ideal, such that I don’t see any sort of world advantage war in Syria will gain for the USA.
I can’t say that I agree with the use of chemical weapons, but I don’t see use of chemical weapons as a line of demarcation where it becomes paramount that the U.S. gets involved.  Please Congress, send a message to the President that we do not want another war.  If it is true that the Syrian’s are willing to use them on their own people speaks volumes for how low of a nation this country is.
Strangely, this is coming at a time where we are thinking of raising the debt ceiling again.  I am wondering if there was foul play and Assad didn’t use chemical weapons, but some other party used them, so that the President and Congress can gain the patriotic momentum that they will need to raise the debt ceiling through war.  We won’t be able to go to war in Syria if we don’t raise the debt ceiling. 
Remember, this was the time that the Republicans were going to put down their foot on the issue of the debt ceiling.  But, will they put down their foot at the risk of not having another war?  The Republicans have long been the party that is more trigger happy than the Democrats.  So, will we go to war?  The answer is yes, and only because someone has played the war card in Syria, throwing House Republicans in a tizzy.  They can’t be the world policeman if they vote against raising the debt ceiling!!!
So where should the endgame be?:  The endgame should be now! 9/2/2013