Monday, June 27, 2016

Sad Judaism vs. Happy Jewishness

There is some sadness in my study of Judaism, especially practice of Judaism without a Jewish soul. What could one see more demoralizing? Maybe, I can flip the situation around, and use Torah to bring Light.

The story of finding individuality is a lesson Abraham taught.

It is as if there is a special mitzvah, a Torah mitzvah, to be a unique individual, and/or another mitzvah to be a part of a greater group, such as a clan or a nation, such as the Jews.

I identify with many things Jewish in Torah, and perhaps, this is why Gd, "loves me."  I identify with Abraham’s individuality, possibly because I have opted to keep Judaism in my life. Torah study of Abraham, is that of a Jew who took the courage to choose a different side, monotheism. If I visited Abraham’s tent, he would have welcomed me because he welcomed everyone

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