Monday, January 30, 2012

Selection of a Presidential Candidate Based Upon His or Her Capability To Unify

There is good reasoning behind selecting a candidate for reasons other than his or her opinions on the issues. I have decided to select Mitt Romney as my favorite because I believe that he is the most presidential.
I’m not saying that I think his opinions are stupid. It is that the American people have gotten into gridlock on the issues. Yeah, women have been allowed suffrage, so sometimes things do change, but in my opinion instead of progress, we are spinning our wheels. Issues such as abortion, tax policy, and Medicare are divisive, and that so many people use these issues, the same old same old, to separate themselves is not in the best interest of country.
I would rather the next time the issue of abortion comes up for a politician to say, “That discussion has been going on since humans first walked the face of the planet, do you really think what you are attempting to do now is going to solve it?” That is, though the procedures for having abortions may have changed over time, before abortion entered the medical setting, abortions were still done, but only using more crude techniques. The issue of abortion is not going to be solved at one of these silly presidential debates, so table it. As a matter of fact, table all the issues that have currently been getting us nowhere. Let’s move on! It is time to do something different, even though some will resist change.
Yes, I have criticized the idea, “Thou shall not insult thy fellow Republican” before, but shouldn’t we want politicians that have a general attitude of trying to pull together to get something accomplished? My opinions are not exceptionally different from the President’s. Sure, I think he has made his mistakes, actually a lot of mistakes, but the biggest problem is that our nation is not experiencing assistance in unity based on bam and slam, rev your engine, and spin your wheels political debates. Wasn’t this country founded on forming a more perfect union?
It is not that all conflict is bad. Sometimes a heated argument can have positive results.
True some of history’s worst rulers have been charismatic. Hitler was charismatic. He lacked reason and math skills, which is very similar to President Barrack Obama’s poor math skills. Like Hitler, Obama can deliver a good speech. However, we shouldn’t fear someone because he or she has the ability to speak well. We want a politician because we are voting for a candidate to do a politicians job. Political ability is a necessity in politics. You don’t hire someone without the skills to do the job. True some of history’s worst rulers have been Christian. Strong Christians generally have poor math skills. Hitler’s affiliation as a Christian is recorded on a radio broadcast. Finding someone who says that he or she is a Christian is not the answer. However, this much is clear. Presidential candidates do as they please once they are in office. A candidate’s campaign promises are worth zilch as soon as he or she gets elected to office. Why? They always seem to say one thing and do another. So, instead of selecting a President based on bipartisan issues, find one that generates unity. Unity to accomplish a greater good is our best hope for the salvation of the United States.

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