Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let's Stay Away From The Syria Hell Hole! (random thoughts)

Alright, so Assad, the commander chief of Syria ordered the use of chemical weapons through his troops. What were his troops supposed to say? "No?" They would probably be shot by a firing squad for disobeying Assad. So, what is Obama's response? Bomb the heck out of troops that really had no other choice than to use the chemical weapons. WTF What are we getting out of attacking the Assad's troops?

Don't forget China backs Iran and Syria. It could be devastating to us if China dumped our debt.

Obama is a man that lives by his word. He foolishly made chemical weapons the line of demarcation. If he gets his way, by his word we will attack. Frankly, even now there are worse places on earth than Syria, take for instance the Congo.

Attacking Syria, a practically worthless bunch of Islamic radicals, nearly promises that Iran gets involved. Why on earth are we risking getting Iran involved over this petty nation Syria.

And, don't forget Iran's promised attack on Israel.

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