Thursday, September 5, 2013

“ We need to see ourselves as basic miracles.” – Virginia Satir - My Commentary

To look at reality and think that there are no miracles leads one to believe that everything is absurd. "Why would there be anything at all, a universe, etc," I would say to someone who doesn’t believe in miracles.

On a deeper scale, not only is there a universe, but the universe is so vastly complex, just as our bodies are vastly complex, which can only be the result of intent by a fundamental Creator, one who does not belong to time, and one who did not have to be created, Himself.

The greatest minds of modernity have dedicated themselves in whole and in full to grasping even parts human body through medicine. Clearly, if you took your body, and placed a small pin, or thumbtack, upon some part of it, the vast quantity of meaningful knowledge to our humanity could be represented by the part of the skin that the pin does not occupy.

How the universe came into being is another matter, I believe that there wasn’t a first other than what God uttered, and those 10 divine utterances in Genesis created the world. Thus, it is such that the universe is the breath of God, a God that created us miraculously. That is, everything is the breath of God, both good and bad.