Friday, October 30, 2009

10 Flaws in Romans

10 Flaws in Romans
1. Jesus is a way to intercede with G-d. There is no need for any intercession between man and G-d.
2. Jesus is a human sacrifice. In the Torah, human sacrifice is not acceptable.
3. Paul correctly writes, “All Israel shall be saved.” These are the Israelites, the descendants of Jacob who became Israel. This verse is contradicted by Romans 3:25 that says Jesus is here for the purpose of G-d’s justice because he has left sins unpunished. This means that for a person under the Law, Jesus is here to punish, not to save from punishment.
4. Romans 3:24 says that the redemption happened already. There is no way to know if this happened. People born after the redemption have no way of knowing anything different, and cannot ascertain if redemption occurred. Rather than redemption occurring, it appears that the opposite happened as since Jesus came to earth there are more records of war than ever before.
5. Paul refers to Jesus as the deliverer of the Israelites. The historical record shows that nothing could be farther from this case. The Dark and Medieval ages were very hard times for the Jews, where Jews faced persecution after persecution.
6. Paul says that a resurrection occurred. I don’t believe Jesus was resurrected.
7. Paul says that he is observant of the commands of Moses (Romans 7:25), but then he falsely teachers that eating kosher is no longer important.
8. I don’t believe Paul actually believed Jesus was the messiah. Nowhere does he use the Hebrew word to state that he believes Jesus to be the messiah, but yet he does use Hebrew, such as Abba (8:15). If the whole point of Christianity is that Jesus is the messiah, why then does he leave out the Hebrew word for it? If nothing else, that’s confusing! Also, the Christian doctrine saying Jesus was G-d cannot be reconciled with Paul’s understanding of Jesus. In short, the New Testament contains many errors and contradictions, as these claims are made elsewhere, but before the canon was decided upon. Paul may not have wanted books in the canon that say Jesus was the messiah or G-d.
9. There is no original copy of this document. If you are to tell me that this is the inerrant word of G-d, yet don’t have the original, then how could it be lost? The idea Christians put out that God lived among humans, but yet all the original copies of the inerrant works were lost makes it seems rather foolish to believe that G-d coming to earth made a big impact upon humanity.
10. Paul writes of eternal life. It appears that he is being literal. I don’t believe eternal life on earth is possible. Paul mentions nothing of a heaven and an afterlife, so the idea that this in fact infers that is taking “eternal life” out of context. The concept is that sin causes humanity to literally die, and that Jesus is a way of interceding for humans, such that humans literally don’t have to die. He also effectively states that lawlessness through faith is the way to this eternal life, yet the Law of Moses and lack of lawlessness is the way of life by definition, a contradiction.

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