Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Liberals in Big Business a Must

Liberals in Big Business a Must
When anyone thinks of big business, generally liberal thinkers are not included in the thought. Big business and Republican go hand in hand. My guess is that the Republican thinkers on radio talk shows know who pays their check. Big business hardly has the family values of the Republican Party, yet Republicans support big business. The source of this support is probably because the leaders of the party have become a bunch of crooks, trading public service for lobbyist financial kick backs. The big government of the Republican George Bush Jr. era is a primary example of the Republican Party becoming something that they are not supposed to be, people that break ranks with family values and support the businesses making campaign contributions.
Rather than confront this situation, the takeover of America by big business, head on, liberals have instead fled to academia. I won’t criticize the much needed liberals that became medical doctors, but there is no need for liberals to downright avoid big business, hiding out at universities and research institutions. There needs to be big brains in the executive roles of big business, and big brains are primarily liberal. Maybe, the economy wouldn’t be in the mess that it is if America had more liberal executives that would look to adequately compensate their employees.
One fact is big business is essentially becoming an oligarchy in America. The power is held by corporations that can create smoke screen politics, swaying elections too easily. Members of the ruling class of this oligarchy have never had a financial worry in their life. They don’t need to worry because big businesses are becoming ever easier to run. The policies of companies in the oligarchy have been drawn up, such that one need only look to having a proper location for a business, while the rest of the company operates by itself. This means is that owners and people deciding the pay scale and prices for goods are increasingly out of touch with the plights of common men. If you are a part of the oligarchy, then your business is so established that it doesn’t matter if you sell goods anymore. The problem is that when companies don’t need to sell, prices stay high while stores are full of merchandise. This couples with the fact that other startup companies can’t compete with the oligarchy companies, such that small companies go down even if big companies become lazy.
Liberal thinkers have primarily socialist ethics. If their voice is to be heard for what they believe in, then they need to take the risk and work at one of these oligarchy companies where they don’t appear to belong. The hope is that through liberal thinkers climbing the company ladder, that businesses won’t lose their competitiveness, but that liberal thinkers might engage executives, such that wealth is spread. Only when the wealth is spread, such that the middle class dominates, can the USA be great among nations because as it is, in many ways the USA has fallen behind. This is that the USA needs to be great for a reason other than its size. The USA needs to be competitive among nations, and that requires liberals working in executive positions at big businesses.

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