Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Finding a Job

I just heard on NPR that for those with new bachelor's degrees only two thirds of this years' (2009) graduating class is being hired to a professional job. That is only 1 in 3 that are hired to professional jobs. Sure college grads are getting hired, but not to professional jobs! Strangely, I have also seen a statistic where the amount of people with college degrees that are unemployed is greater than that have high school educations. I ran into this. Several jobs won't employee college grads, but will employ high school drop outs. Yet, in spite of this the rate of those with jobs and college degrees was greater. This means the majority of the public has a college degree.
New college grads are finding themselves in a difficult situation. I found one story where a student sued for her tuition because she can't find a job,2933,536175,00.html

The news keeps reporting that the economy is better. That is probably a result of the economic stimulas, which has only inflated the economy to make it have the appearance of being better. The fact is that unemployment is at 9.4%. Yes, it was at 9.6%, but again that was the stimulus. Eventually, we will have to pay for it. The fact is that many college educated people aren't finding jobs, a while 33% of them. Another fact is that among the 40 something class, those that lose their job have a difficult time as well. This is still a very bad economy. Peter Schiff predicted it would get better and he was right again, but he also says that the economy will then fall after this improvement. Another fact, is that the improvement might better be termed stabilization. That is, the improvment is mild at best. One day it could be better the next day it could be worse, but that stabilization is to end. There are several reputable people saying the economy is to worsen. There is Ron Paul and Peter Schiff. Then, their is the very reputable Igor Panarin saying that the USA's days are numbered.

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