Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Who is a Jew? II

Who is a Jew? II

I fail to understand Rabbis. I remember that during the time the destruction of the second Temple, the Talmud says it happened because the Jews of the time were not merciful enough. My status as a Jew is questionable, but the everyday Jew seems happy that I am interested in the culture or simply to have me as a friend, while Rabbis turn me away. I might be welcomed at a secular humanist synagogue, but for me, as Tzvi says, “It’s all or nothing.” Acceptance at a secular humanist denomination border is at the border of false teaching. That makes me somewhat of hypocrite because I want all, without accepting having a Jewish mother is the only source of Jewry, aside from conversion.

Jewish souls somehow arrived on earth, and given the lost ancestries, Rabbis cannot call themselves ancestral authorities. That is there is no longer a proof of Jewishness that Rabbis can cling to. The proofs of Jews that they are Israelites all seem questionable to me. I could have simply lied and said that I was a Jew, but I didn’t, at least to Rabbis. Otherwise, I call myself a Jew. I know that would be wrong to say to Rabbis because that is their prerogative, but I don’t think the Rabbis are anymore correct for rigid adherence to doctrine. That I didn’t lie should be considered evidence that I am Jew, not the contrary, as telling the truth is not a Law requirement for gentiles.

Yes, teachers are judged more harshly and this is probably where everything stems from. Your average Jew is going to be lenient, while a Rabbi is going to be cut and dry, but that neglects the Jewish idea of mercy in capital cases, where if one is put to death in 70 years, the court is bloody. To me that is the spirit of the Law, not rigid adherence to it over issues such as maternal ascent. Biblical patriarchs would have been put to death by the law if not for God’s mercy. Mercy is Abraham’s foundation he put to Judaism, and it precedes maternal ascendance.

I do not believe the Judeo based government of the USA can be explained by the minority of Jews. It is explained by the founding fathers that traced their lineages to kings. It is not only that Jews were attached to Britain when historically residing there, but also Britain is attached to Jews. These love us then hate us mentalities of these lands bear much resemblance of a husband’s quarrels with his wife, the Jews rebuking their kings as a wife rebukes her husband. At my heart, I think Jews have made a great mistake by not considering the kings of the world to be Jewish. By the method of kingship, I would have maternal ascent, having a very noble background, 10 descents from kings paternally, and more from my mother’s lineage.

How did these kings ascend to the throne without their mothers support? This is not a law, but a fact that kings arise from the descendants of Sarah’s womb. I believe this explains how President Barrack Obama could become President, as his mother has this lineage. Therefore, I do not accept that the scepter has been removed for 2,000 years without the arrival of the messiah. This is clearly a mistake. The scepter has been in place for 3,000 years, and the kings and rulers appointed by the people to their positions of power, and usually not by goyim. Who takes an interest in his vote, but an Israelite? There are very few in our country that have anymore than basic knowledge in civics.

Those descended from monarchs have not remarried: said the young Jews, “We are ready to sleep with our husband again. We will love him even if it means forgetting our traditions.” Yet, the Rabbis and the elders said, “We will turn you away. This is a silent holocaust leaving us bloody. We will remember you as our husband and vote for you, but we will sleep in separate beds. The time for forgiveness has passed, and we are bitter.”

Yet, the husbands of the Jews stayed true through support of Israel especially those like George Bush Jr., a descendent of Judah whom at one time carried the scepter, though making several poor decisions. Many Jews are saying again through the Obama administration, “Our husband has not remembered us,” but he is not your husband having no paternal inheritance. The Jewish vote helped elect President Barrack Obama, and the Jews funded his campaign. Now we can’t remarry. As the Jews in Israel abort their babies, woe to us! The scepter has been removed. Judaism has been nullified. And, the people have said, we will go to war (Iran) to get our mind off this horror.


  1. Craig thanks for your comments, here is what I think:

    "That is there is no longer a proof of Jewishness that Rabbis can cling to."
    We follow Jewish law-הלכה. This has not changed in the Orthodox world. This statement is wrong.

    "telling the truth is not a Law requirement for gentiles."
    Well, Lavan and Evan were known for saying one thing and doing another. Yaakov is called איש אמת-a man of truth. Perhaps this is where Judaism distinguishes between being a gentile and being a righteous gentile!

    To me that is the spirit of the Law, not rigid adherence to it over issues such as maternal ascent. Biblical patriarchs would have been put to death by the law if not for God’s mercy.
    Avraham risked his life by jumping into a fire at the hands of Nimrod. Isaac was shot at by Ismael. Yaakov was chased by Lavan and Esav. Is that not self sacrifice? Do you want to back up your claims about the avot? The avot-the patriarchs-went out of their way to follow the will of G-d, even before the Torah was given.

    "I think Jews have made a great mistake by not considering the kings of the world to be Jewish."
    This is a wild statement. Nimrod, the four kings whom Avraham defeated, and Achashverush were all kings-but were far from the Torah!

    "George Bush Jr., a descendent of Judah..."
    This is really out there, as with the rest of the paragraph! The husbands of the Jews? Are you referring to Song Of Songs?

  2. Re: 1 Orthodox are still busy separating ger (convert) from bnei Israel, etcetera, as the Talmud stipulates different Laws for each caste. I would not be surprised if much of their conclusions are in fact wrong, and that there are so many errors that the system no longer works. It is time to revert to the idea that, if one says they are a Jew, then they are a Jew.

  3. Re: 3 What about Lowt, the patriarch that slept with his daughters, and the kings of Israel and the kings Judah? Rather, the reason some of these people weren't put to death is that kings are supposed to do as they please and are essentially above the law. Check out the Mishneh (Sanhedrin) section for more.

  4. Re: 5 Yes, there is some reference to the idea of Song of Songs woven here.

  5. Re 4: Check out the following blog for the argument that Darius, the Persian King (Daniel, Maccabees), is Darda son of Zerah son of Judah (Genesis, Chronicles) is Dardanus son of Zeus son of Jove [aka Hashem] (Illiad) is ancestor of Thor (Icelandic Prose Edda, and Langfedgatal).


    Also, the Kings you mention are before the arrival of Judah and the idea of the scepter.

  6. Genetic studies on Bnei Menashe tribe confirm ties to the Jews:


  7. There are a lot of assumptions made by Christians and non-Christians about the 10 lost tribes of northern Israel that do not address a better review of new archaeological evidence and of historical documents. I saw this when my step-father was in the pastoral college of a major, traditional Christian denomination and how they ignored modern archaeological findings of Biblical topics in Syria, Jordan, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.




    DVD on Lost Tribes:




    Central Asian rulers with name like Naphtali















    (discussion on Central Asian / Indian rulers with name like Naphtali -- Nephtalites)
















    Star of David in ancient China:
    (go to bottom of the page)

    Aramaic inscriptions in Pakistan (Aramaic was the language that the Hebrews started using after their captivity):



    Uzbekistan connection to ancient Korea
    (shows that ancient people moved a lot on the Silk Road, which could also show how the lost tribes moved to Pakistan/Afghanistan)

    Israelites in Japan?


