Friday, August 21, 2009

USA Debt Solution

USA Debt Solution

The problem is that the wealth is not being redistributed. Some people have more money than they deserve. There is nothing that any person can do to deserve a billion. Immediately, if you are well read, then the man Karl Marx should come to your head. This is the “implosion” he said would happen due to capitalism. Karl Marx knew that the wealth had to be redistributed, but his idea failed in its implementation. In Russia, and many other countries Marxism is associable with big government. I, personally, hate big government. It has slowly been creeping up on the American people. More taxes and more programs if you are a democrat and not taxing the rich are the two mottos, or trenches that our country has dug. So how about something totally different? How about something that increases wealth redistribution, but the government doesn’t see the money? Now, I can feel you saying: How do we pay for it? I suggest, cutting programs. People ought to pay for programs out of their own pocket, not the government’s pocket. It’s like the government is some sort of complex plumbing system that sometimes fails, and nobody knows where the water has gone it is so big. So first, I suggest pealing back big government. However, peeling back big government in itself does not redistribute the wealth. Yet, very importantly, it gives the means to do so.

Next, I suggest coming up with a living wage. People, generally already do this. However, I do not favor mandating a living wage. Not everyone needs a living wage. People like paper boys, and the like in high school have no business earning a living wage. However, there are certain companies that can afford to pay living wage, but do not. This is the problem. There is water caught up in the pipes, and it is polluting the whole system. Thus, instead of taxes I suggest that business be forced to operate under mathematical wealth redistribution formulas. These formulas need not be complex. Yet, a surplus for a certain month ought to be also in the hands of the workers of a company. Workers should see a bonus in their check for good work, and that should be based on a single buildings net profit, but capped by an exponential profit return to employees, the more the business makes, the more the business has to return to its workers. Businesses that can’t afford to pay a living wage shouldn’t have to go under for it. Basically I suggest using the equation y = (x^2/z)*k*c in order to determine employee wages. As net or x increases, y or payback to the employees increases, based upon z, the employees set wage. K would represent living wage. “C” would represent a constant that would make the equation within reason for a particular economic period.

Does it sound too difficult? It shouldn’t be. This is basic algebra. It is taught generally to high school freshmen and accelerated eighth graders. If you can’t figure out the equation, then I don’t have any pity for you if you are a business owner or go into business, as you shouldn’t have even graduated high school.

So what about the government? Isn’t the government in worse shape than we are as citizens, as far as debt is to be concerned? My theory suggests that if people were paid according to this, that the wealth should also be redistributed through taxes that are already in place, back to the government.

There is a third change I feel our country needs, as well. We have to stop companies from employing people oversees. Just as tariffs are often imposed for foreign goods, so too should the same be done for employment. That is we need to offer companies incentives for employing American workers, as when Americans work, wealth gets redistributed to us, and not overseas.

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