Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Getting Started Mafia Wars [Facebook] Strategy (fearless):

Getting Started Mafia Wars [Facebook] Strategy (fearless):

1. First, recruit a mafia. Send out free energy packs to your entire mafia whenever you can (if you are lucky more advanced players will gift you better weapons in return for this, as energy level is a extreme pain in the neck when at higher levels). Play the lotto everyday.

2. Next, buy several “Mafia Mikes.” You can buy several if you have a Mafia of 100 or more, but 100 mafia members are probably plenty in most situations. Search Facebook and you will find pages where you can recruit people and have them join your mafia.

3. And, spend whatever you have on inexpensive special weapons, armors, and vehicles, as much as the game will let you buy. Don't wait for the "right one," as by the time you wait, these special deals won't even matter. You will be able to afford weapons that are just as good.

4. Unless you are prone to being robbed, don’t use the bank. If you have a small mafia, then protect yourself by adding defense profile points. Banks are for “moguls,” and this is for someone who has selected that they are a “fearless” player.

5. Don’t worry about being in the lower levels. So, forget about fighting bosses. Rising to a higher level just means things will be more difficult for you. Therefore, don’t just simply attack people to get to the next level, but attack or rob people so that you can fortify your mafia. There is one exception, if you are very close to leveling up, fight rather than rob your way to more energy, as fighting ususally returns more experience.

6. Invest every penny that you make from properties, fighting, robbing, and etcetera.

7. Make sure everyone in your mafia has a weapon, armor and a vehicle to fight with.

8. Then, make sure everyone in your mafia has the best weapons, armors and vehicles to fight with.

9. Protect your properties from potential robbers.

10. At the start of playing, after you’ve unlocked several levels, when your energy is full, spend it on difficult jobs.

11. When finishing your play, spend the rest of your energy only mastering easy jobs, getting to higher levels, as you get profile points more easily this way.

Don’t worry about boosting your health. And don’t worry about boosting your stamina past 20, as if you have spent every penny, property investments will prove more lucrative than robbing. Adjust your attack and defense so that you win more money than you lose when the computer is off before working on increasing your energy.

12. Check what achievements are within your reach and go for them.

13. Don’t just simply buy expensive properties. Often times the inexpensive ones have a better return, but the game is set up so that it is to your advantage not to keep buying the same property over and over. So, buy your expensive properties first, and then spend the rest of your money, all that you have, on lesser properties that have returns eventually adding up to very significant amounts. For example, if you have been keen on investing all your money, you might buy 1 or 2 expensive properties and 10 inexpensive properties in day.

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