Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu

Swine Flu

Much of my blog is about religion, and this relates.  Swine or pigs are unclean for good reason.  The Talmud, a canonical book for Jews, that permits’ questioning says, “Worry if there is a plague in the pigs.”  This swine flu does not appear to be that serious, and there are not very many deaths reported yet.

Swine are associable with lack of cleanliness in two major world religions, both Islam and Judaism.  It is more than just the threat of trichinosis, as swine certainly have immune systems meant for living in poop.  However, pork is everywhere.  Most every grocery store sells pork.  Additionally, only a few individuals among these minority religions in America actually practice these commands.

Nachmanides was a medieval Jewish scholar that went as far as saying eating meat of unclean animals, such as vultures negatively affects the personalities of those that do it.  Swine, noted in the Talmud for having despicable personalities, if they could speak say, “What is mine is yours, and what yours is mine.”  This swine type of personality ruins utopian ideas such as socialism.  That is we might all agree to the abolition of private property, if and only if, there was not some jerk swine person that would claim it all to be his own.

I would not be surprised to see a truth that many rich people eat excessive amounts of pork or that eating pork might correlate to having a greedy personality.  Could prevention of the World Trade Center bombing be possible if the rich consumed less pork?  Maybe, but perhaps that is why these people are rich anyway.  However, a trait among rich people is that they like to consume expensive food.  Expensive tastes and riches go hand in hand, as these are the only ones that can afford to eat the stuff.  Most of it a Bible without a New Testament deems these expensive delicacies unclean.  Even greater, this food probably alters personalities, as we are what we eat.

1 comment:

  1. I just heard a rating of level 5. The two countries were it is a problem are Mexico and the United States. The body count for this disease in Mexico is 159. However, we have better health care, so maybe it will not be such a problem here.
